“Fine.” They walked side by side toward his house. The night air was cold. She tried to supress the shivers working up her body. “I can keep you warm,” he said.
Staring at his open his arms was too much temptation. She let him enfold her in his embrace. The heat of his body warmed her up instantly.
“I’ll always warm you, baby.”
She tensed, which caused him to sigh.
“I made a mistake.”
Shaking her head, Elle walked with him in silence.
They didn’t encounter any of the pack on their way to his home. Brandon opened the door for her. She went in. The heat of his home replaced his arms.
“Make yourself at home.”
He left her for several minutes. She took a seat on the sofa.
Within the small time he’d been touching her, her body had heated.
You still want him even though he picked another woman.
“Here you are.” Brandon came around the corner. He carried a steaming mug and a plate of bread. “I’m not much of a cook.”
“Soup and bread is good,” she said, taking the food he offered. He sat beside her. His thigh pressed against hers. Elle took her time eating. She didn’t want to talk to him. His presence was affecting her nerves.
You can do this. Be strong.
“I know you don’t want to talk to me,” Brandon said. He rubbed his hands together. Elle kept eating. “There is so much shit going on. I shouldn’t have kept any of it from you. I fucked up big time. I never expected to have a human for a mate.”
She lowered the cup then let out a sigh. “I’m tired of you blaming my being a human. I’m human, Brandon. I tried to stop you mating with me, remember? You were determined to claim me, not the other way around.”
“You don’t know what this is like for me. I need to keep you safe. You’re my lifeline, Elle. I couldn’t handle anything happening to you. You don’t know what it’s like to have all these emotions and to know you’re not feeling them. Wolves are so much more than humans.”
Elle stared at him in shock. Was he really saying those things to her? “You’re saying you’re superior to humans because of your ability to feel?”
“Of course. We’re far more than humans, Elle.”
She laughed, amazed he’d say such a thing. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.”
“I don’t blame you for your lack.”
Putting her food down on the floor Elle stood. “I’m done hearing this shit.”
He got up following her. “You can’t leave.”
Whirling round she pointed a finger at him. “How dare you say I don’t feel? I may be human, but I feel far more than you.”
He chuckled. “Elle, that’s not possible.”
“I don’t kill people, Brandon. You killed those men without thought or feeling. You hunt animals, and you look down on humans as if we’re lower beings. There is no respect for us. You may talk about taking care of us humans, but you don’t really care. Grace Hill is a joke of the highest order.”
Brandon made to speak, but she put her hand up. Elle lowered down her walls. She allowed him to get the full force of her feelings.
He paused, staring at her wide-eyed.
“I’m human. You went into the arms of another woman, Brandon. You chose Lori over me. Can you feel how painful that is? Can you imagine what it would be like if I went to another man?” She waited for her words to sink in. “I was a virgin because I hadn’t found the one. I gave myself to you. I lowered down everything because you asked me to, and how do you repay me? You push me aside. Lewis showed me more care last night. So, please, tell me of your superior feelings, Brandon. From where I’m standing, I know a hell of a lot more about feeling than you do.”
She waited for his response. Staring at him, she waited for him to react or to give her something.
Nothing happened. Spinning on her heel, Elle headed for the door.
Chapter Nineteen
Brandon watched her head toward the door. Her depth of emotion startled him. And she’d been right in everything she said.
You can’t let her get away.
She’s our mate.
We need her.
Fix her and keep her.
Charging to the door he placed a hand on the hard wood against her head. He closed the door. Her shoulders slumped as her head rested against the door.
“What are you doing?” she asked, quietly.
“I’m sorry.” With his free hand he brushed the hair off her neck. “You’re my mate, Elle. I’m an idiot. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I’m a wolf, and I’m the alpha, and for the first time I was scared.” He cupped her neck, stroking the pulse that pounded under his touch.
“You’re doing this on purpose,” she said. Her voice sounded breathy. Arousal gripped him as he pressed against her. Every time he was around her, Brandon craved her touch. Seeing the pain in her eyes was like a kick to the gut. He never wanted to be the cause of her pain. She meant everything to him.