“Are other people here?” she asked, breaking from the kiss. Her father was the one organising the event. She recalled him talking about it a few months ago.

“Some are here. Not everyone,” Brandon said, letting out a sigh.

“Do you need me for this? I understand if you do. I’ll be by your side, helping you.” He pressed a palm against her mouth.

“No, I don’t need you there. This is pack stuff.”

And she wasn’t a pack member.

You’re a mate. A human mate.

What did it mean? Was she good enough to fuck but not have at his side? She didn’t understand what was going on.

She knew who’d have the answer. Glancing down at her watch she let out a sigh. “I need to get to work.”

“Okay, hop back on. I’ll have you at the diner in no time.”

Elle moved closer to him. Brandon caught her chin. “Look at me.” She glanced in his eyes then turned away. “I’m keeping you safe. You know that, right?”

She nodded. “I’m getting that. I don’t get this mating stuff, but I get that.”

He helped her on his back, and then they were walking through the forest. Brandon walked a lot faster than she did. He got through the thick forest without falling down.

Holding onto his body, Elle rested her head on his back. She was getting attached to him. Every second they spent together the bond between them was growing. She even started to feel his presence. When she was working at the diner, she’d get a tingling along her arms. Turning around she’d watch Brandon enter the diner.

Did he sense her presence?

Even as their connection was growing she still struggled to talk to him. Not being able to look him in the eye didn’t help. She spent more time avoiding his gaze than not.

Once they got to the edge of the forest he put her down. She pushed her uniform dress down her thighs.

He escorted her around to the front entrance.

“I’ll pick you up tonight. I’ve got some plans.”

She smiled, kissed him back, then watched as he met with Lori. The other woman stood waiting for him a few buildings down.

Chapter Thirteen

Brandon joined Lori, and together they moved in the direction of the house in the far forest. Over the last few days several witches and warlocks had turned up, along with two other wolf alphas and the leader of the bears next to his.

Drake, Darcy, and Lewis stood outside the house as yelling came from inside.

He was thankful the woman at his side remained quiet on the walk up.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

All three men turned to him. They glared at Lori before turning back to him.

“They’re getting pissed with being trapped in the house. We’re waiting for several more bear leaders along with vamps to turn up. Crazy Lizzy almost burnt the place down to the ground earlier,” Drake said.

“What? Why?” Brandon headed towards the front door.

“She was setting fire to towels. The flame caught the curtain, and instead of putting it out, she watched the pretty colours. Her words not mine,” Drake said, holding his hands up in surrender.

“Where’s Elle?” Darcy asked, glaring at Lori.

The woman at his side put a hand at his hip. His scent surrounded her. He hated touching the other woman, but the Otherworld creatures needed to be convinced he’d mated. The news had travelled fast about his mating. He didn’t know how but could only put it down to soothsayers or the witches with powers to see into the future.

“She’s at the diner. Do not say her name,” Brandon said.

“Don’t worry, Darcy. I’ll make them believe I’m really his.” Lori ran her hand down his shirt front. Brandon caught her hand.

“No, don’t touch me.” He touched her, but none of his touches were intimate. Their touches were necessary in order to protect Elle. Since he’d found her, he couldn’t bring himself to look at another woman.

“I still think this is a fucked up plan,” Lewis said, throwing his cigarette into the dirt.

“Doesn’t matter what you think. We’re going through with this.” Brandon started forward and was stopped as Crazy Lizzy growled at him. Her eyes were glazed over.

“I didn’t ask for this. How dare you pick her? I told you I’d do everything you wanted. It should have been me.”

Her voice was loud, screeching almost. Crazy Lizzy attacked him, slashing his face. Brandon roared as she made to attack him once again. Drake and Lewis grabbed her. The instant their hands touched her, the trance she was under stopped. She stared down at the hands that grabbed her.

“Seriously, doggies, I can make my way into the house.” She brushed their hands aside and smiled at Brandon. “You’ve got a nasty gash, Wolfy. You should get that sorted.” Crazy Lizzy tapped his hand then walked away.

They all stared after the witch.