“Do you mean human men or wolf men?” Daisy asked.
Elle paused, thinking about the question. “Wolf men,” she said, whispering.
The older woman smirked. “You can’t fool me. You’re the Alpha’s woman.”
“I’m not his anything. I don’t even know him.”
“So?” Daisy had her arms folded under her impressive chest.
“I’ve never been with a man. I don’t know what a human man wants, let alone what a wolf man wants.”
“Elle, stop over-thinking everything. Brandon is a good man. He’s not a wolf all the time. I’m sure he’ll be happy to be trained as your little puppy dog.”
Elle laughed at the image of Brandon being a puppy. There was no way that big hunk of man could ever be compared to a puppy.
“Besides, everything is a little different for mates,” Daisy said, going back to work.
“What’s different?” Elle picked up her chocolate milkshake and took a sip.
“Well, for one, your mind is not your own. When you mate completely and accept each other, a connection opens up. I know where my mate is at all times, and he knows where I am. We can even communicate through our thoughts.”
“That sounds creepy,” Elle said. She couldn’t hear Brandon. Their connection mustn’t be there.
“We’re compelled by one another. There is no other man or woman for either of us. When we mate, we mate for life. It’s our tradition. Vamps, on the other hand, are notorious hound dogs.”
Elle burst out laughing. The other woman was done explaining the mating rules for one day. “Thank you for giving me the heads-up.”
She grabbed the tray with all the food on it. The table waited patiently in the corner for her. Brandon’s gaze was on her as she walked past.
The men at the table didn’t help her as she handed out each of their orders. Remembering who ordered what was the challenge. Once she handed out the last can of soda Elle stood up.
“Congrats, miss, you remembered who ordered what. There’ll be a good ol’ big tip waiting for you,” the guy said.
Great, I don’t want your money. You give me the creeps.
“Will there be anything else?” she asked.
“Not at the moment.”
She left them alone to serve other customers. When members of the pack entered they took the time to assess the human collection.
Layla looked harassed as she tried to keep up with the pack orders. “They’ve got an appetite today,” she said, when it quietened down for a moment.
“It’s the night after the full moon. They’ve always got an appetite.” Elle made sure to keep her words quiet so the visitors didn’t hear anything. Grace Hill had one rule, and that rule was sacred. No one outside of Grace Hill would ever know about the pack. Brandon made sure to enforce the rule whenever visitors came through.
Matthew and his mate walked into the diner. “I’ll take this,” Elle said, moving toward them.
She watched as they seated how Matthew kept touching his woman. From what she saw, he didn’t like to be away from her for any length of time. She found his attentiveness sweet.
He stroked his mate’s face before turning to her. “Hiya, Elle, congratulations on your mating,” he said.
Elle pressed the pen to her lips and then pointed the tip in the direction of the humans.
“They’re still here?” he asked.
“They’re making their presence known. Thank you for your words. They really mean a lot.”
“We’re not all monsters in the pack.” He snuggled against his woman. “Being with your fated mate is the best thing possible.”
Yearning hit her in the stomach. She wanted the kind of love on display. Putting a hand to her stomach she excused herself from the table.
Elle walked out of the diner and walked around to the back and as far away from the workplace as possible. She leaned against the nearest tree taking in huge gulps of air.
I can’t do this.
There is no way that I’m his mate.
He doesn’t look at me like that.
Staring up at the sky, she took in deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves.
“What are you doing out here?” Brandon asked.
She spun around to face the man responsible for her current turmoil.
“What do you want?”
“It’s not safe for you to be out here alone,” he said, moving closer.
“What? Why? I’ve lived her since I was sixteen. Why is it suddenly not safe? Grace Hill is the safest place to be.”
“I’m pleased you think so.”
His smile made her angry.
“Grace Hill is surrounded by werewolves. How can this place not be the safest place in the world?” she asked.
Brandon’s smile fell. “I don’t like you serving those men.”
“Get used to it. It’s my job.”
She pushed past him only to have her arm caught in his. Brandon’s naked fingers touched her flesh sparking a flame inside her. Staring at his covered chest she wondered if there was ever going to be a time when she didn’t feel vulnerable around him.