“I know this. Why was he covered in vamp blood?” Brandon asked.

“His wife was seduced by a vampire. Raymond didn’t know what his wife had that was important to the vampire. By the time I got to her she was almost dead. I gave her my blood to help heal her, and I called on Crazy Lizzy to deal with the spell that wiped their memory.”

Crazy Lizzy was one of the oldest witches. She’d been tortured by warlocks when she was young, which had sent her a little bit loopy. Brandon liked her. She ranted a bit about nothing, but she was strong.

“What happened to Elle?” he asked.

“None of us know. She was bitten but not enough to kill. Raymond killed the vamp before anything else happened. When I spoke to him about it, the vamp was chanting something to her. She was staring into her eyes. Nothing else came from it.”

“They’re here under our protection?” Brandon asked.

“Raymond killed the vamp, but he had symbols along his arms similar to ours.” Darcy pointed at his back then arms. All the men possessed the Northern Forest pack symbols. “He believes they were part of a tribe or something.”

“That’s why he has all those books?”

“Yes. I’ve spoken to him recently, and he can’t find anything of any value. This meeting has him riled.”

“I think this meeting has the whole pack riled,” Brandon said, loosening his shoulders.

“You know your scent will disappear if you don’t claim her soon,” Darcy said after several seconds passed.

“I know.”

They stood and left the forest. Brandon made his way toward the diner. The summer heat was bearing down on the town. He followed the scent of his mate through to the diner, Darcy’s words ringing in his head. For as much as he wanted to take her to his home and claim her, he couldn’t bring himself to do it with the Otherworld species coming. There was so much on his plate right that now adding a human mate to the mix wasn’t in his list.

He walked into the diner and saw the human males sitting in the corner both. Layla was serving Lewis and Drake. Elle was in the corner with the human males. She was writing down their orders. Elle didn’t turn to him or acknowledge his presence in any way. His whole world was focused on her, and yet he got nothing for his trouble. Pulling out the chair so the legs scraped along the floor, gaining her attention and that of everyone else in the diner, Brandon sat down.

With his excellent hearing he listened on the conversation one of the boys was having. He refused to call the humans men.

“Wow, he’s a little childish,” one of the guys said.

“Is that all?” Elle asked.

Brandon watched as she pointed down at the list of meals she’d written down.

“It sure is, baby.”

She nodded, walking away. He saw the one who’d been talking to her check out her ass.

“Dude, what are you doing?” one of his friends asked.

“If we’re here for a while I want to get laid.”

“We’re not staying here.” Another growled.

The guy’s friends clearly knew they weren’t wanted here. It was a shame Asshole didn’t get the same kind of vibe as his friends.

“She’s a little big, but I’d fuck her.”

That was enough. Brandon snatched her arm pulling her against him as she made to move past. She squealed. Her gaze went to his before turning away instantly. He was really starting to get pissed off with her lack of attention. Brandon wanted her eyes on him at all times.

“I’m working, Brandon,” she said.

“You’re not working that table. Get someone else to do it.”

“This is my job. I’m working the table.” She pulled away from him. Her hands smoothed down her skirt as she walked on by.

“She’s a feisty one,” Lewis said.

“If those boys keep trying to touch her or talk filth about her, they’re fucking dead.”


Elle slammed the order down on the counter next to Daisy. The older woman stood flipping burgers. “I smell attitude,” Daisy said.

“Brandon is acting all possessive,” Elle said. Layla smiled at her before taking the order she was carrying back outside.

“Sweetheart, the alpha is not acting. He is possessive. All the wolves are possessive. It’s in our blood. You’re just going to have to deal with it.” Daisy grabbed the order, glanced through it, then started assembling the burgers

“I don’t think I can handle his possessive streak. I’m human. I’m not coded to accept the kind of attitude he’s giving me. It’s not who I am.”

“Sounds to me like you’re doing a lot of moaning, Elle. Men don’t like women who moan.”

“What exactly do men like?”

Elle jumped up on the counter. She needed to rest her feet. Daisy gave her a pointed look. Climbing off the counter, Elle fixed the drinks ready to go with the order.