In a few weeks the other species would descend sending his quiet town into disarray. His pack and the humans were always anxious during those visits. The vampires unnerved the locals while the bears scared the people with how large they were. The witches and warlocks were always bickering over some battle they lost. Rubbing his eyes, Brandon tried to push the stress from his mind.
He listened to Raymond as he moved to Elle’s door. The scent of garlic came under the door. Her father had placed a bulb of garlic outside the door. What was going on with this family?
Brandon hated garlic. He hated the stuff in his food and the scent. Pulling away from Elle, he walked to the door, picked up the bulb and went down the stairs. He placed the garlic on the kitchen counter and covered the offending bulb with a cloth. Hunting through the cupboards he found a tin of scented spray. He sprayed the lavender scent all over the kitchen.
When he was satisfied with the lack of garlic scent, Brandon walked into Raymond’s study. He wasn’t used to sleeping straight away after a run. The study was filled with books of old volumes on paranormal and cult creatures.
Open on the desk was a volume dedicated to vampires with regards to the last decade. Brandon had never seen such an extensive collection of books on paranormal creatures. Everything he knew was what his father taught him. He’d met most of the species of the Otherworld. The species he hadn’t met he’d been told he never wanted to know.
Sitting down in Raymond’s chair, Brandon pulled the book into his lap. There were several pictures of vampires with sharp fangs. Blood-suckers. Holy water. Garlic. Mind control. So many words connected with vampires.
He really needed to find out everything Raymond knew about the vampires. All the sectors of the paranormal community kept information about their kind hidden from each other in order to protect themselves. Vampires were far older than many sectors and could manipulate everyone. Brandon wondered if Raymond knew more than the books told. Placing the book back on the desk he saw the book on the wolves underneath it. Curiosity got the better of him. Pulling the book out of the pile, he opened to the first page.
A loud scream rent the air. A chill settled over him.
Her mother had been acting strangely for the past couple of days. Elle watched as her mother looked out of window touching her neck. She’d never noticed the marks on her neck before. Two dark points were highlighted against her neck.
“Mom, are you okay?” Elle asked.
“I’m fine, dear. What’s it like being sixteen?”
“Fine. Mom, what’s going on?” She watched as her mom moved toward the back door.
“Nothing. I’ve got a little gift for you.”
Her hand went to the door knob. Elle watched the door open slowly. She knew if her mother opened that door something bad was going to happen.
“Mom, what’s going on? Please, shut the door.”
It was night, and her father had told them both to stay in at night. The city wasn’t safe no matter the time of day.
“Nothing is going to hurt us. You’ll see.”
“Mom, no,” Elle said.
The door opened, and she screamed.
The dream broke apart.
“Wake up, Elle.” Brandon stood over her.
Pulling away from him, Elle scrambled to her feet. Her parents were stood looking at her.
“What’s going on?” Elle asked.
“You screamed. You must have had a nightmare,” Brandon said.
“I’ve never had a nightmare.” She frowned as the dream seemed to vanish from her mind as if it wasn’t there. “I can’t remember,” she said.
His arms surrounded her. “Don’t worry about it.”
After her parents checked to make sure she was fine, Elle moved out of Brandon’s arms. “I’m just going to the bathroom,” she said. She moved to the door then turned back to him. “How come you’re here?”
“You’re here, Elle. I’m not leaving you.”
“I’ve never had a man in my bed before.”
“I know.”
“How do you know?” she asked.
“It’s too late tonight. Go to the bathroom. I’ll be waiting for you.”
Nodding, she moved to the bathroom. Splashing water onto her face she stared at her reflection. What the hell was her dream about?
Staring at her reflection she checked her neck. Two droplets of blood appeared in the mirror. Rubbing her neck, Elle looked at her fingers, but there was nothing there. Staring in the mirror she saw her neck was bare of any blood.
“I’m losing my mind.”
She wiped her face on the towel then made her way down to her bedroom. Brandon lay on the bed with his hands underneath his head.
“You shouldn’t be here,” she said, throwing the covers over and climbing inside.
“If I wasn’t here I wouldn’t be able to chase the dreams away.”
Elle tucked the blanket under her chin.
“I’m not going to attack you and have my wicked way with you,” Brandon said.