“I trust your judgement,” Raymond said.
“You’re not enjoying yourself,” Layla said.
Elle smiled at her friend. “It’s kind of hard to enjoy yourself when half the pack is glaring at you.”
She’d noticed the way the men were assessing her, and the women were sneering at her. Their gazes let her know they didn’t approve of her as his choice of mate.
Why me? Why did he have to pick me?
“It doesn’t matter what they think or feel. You’re his mate. Nothing anyone does is going to change that.”
Layla kept her arms around Elle.
Holding onto her hands, she moved them away from her. “I’m not ready for this. I’m going to help pack away the tables.”
“You shouldn’t leave the floor. Brandon told you not to.”
“Dancing is not helping my situation.” She gave Layla a quick hug before heading toward the last couple of tables.
Ignoring the stares, she grabbed the pots and took them through to the appropriate houses. She smiled at the families as she handed them their pots back.
On her third trip back to the table she was stopped by a thin woman with her arms folded underneath her small breasts.
“Excuse me,” Elle said.
“Why the fuck should I excuse you, human?”
Staring up at the woman, Elle saw she wasn’t human. The way her eyes changed as she glanced at her was enough for Elle.
“I’m trying to help pack away the feast.”
She made to go ‘round. The woman wrapped her fingers around Elle’s arm, squeezing the flesh.
“You shouldn’t be his mate. You’re nothing but a fat little bitch.”
Fighting back the tears, Elle stared at the ground waiting for the woman to let her go. She’d never been on the receiving end of such animosity before.
Biting her lip, she kept her mouth shut.
“I should be by his side, not you. I’m the one who’s been sharing his bed and keeping his needs in check. Brandon demands satisfaction, Elle.”
Her name was spoken as if it was a dirty word.
“Lori, leave her alone,” Daisy said.
The woman, Lori, let her go.
“This isn’t over,” Lori said.
“It is now.” The two wolves stared at each other. Lori stormed off without another word. “I never liked that girl. She’s a slut and a fucking pain in my side.” Daisy wrapped an arm around Elle’s waist. “Lori thinks because she’s a spring chicken she’s the top of the food chain. Regardless of what people think I can still take the bitch and relish the day I can.”
Elle laughed. The thought of Daisy fighting was amusing. Daisy wasn’t an old woman. She looked in her late forties, but from what Elle knew about aging, Daisy was probably nearing a hundred. Elle never asked the other woman her true age. She’d been brought up believing it was rude to ask.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Any time, dear. Lori has been looking to get her teeth sunk into the alpha for some time. I don’t like it. I never have, and I refuse to let her think she’s more than she is. She’s a bitch. I know that. She knows that, and now Brandon knows it.”
Daisy took her hand moving her toward a set of chairs. “This is your first feast?”
Elle nodded.
“How are you finding it?” Daisy asked.
“It’s different and certainly not boring.” She pointed toward the pack members who were pointing at her. Until Brandon had pulled her out of the crowd, no one cared about her presence whereas now, she was top of the gossip columns.
“Wait until the other sectors get here. Vampires and wolves have never mingled well. Nor witches and warlocks. When we’re all together, it’ll be a hoot.”
Elle laughed. “It sounds interesting.”
Daisy scented the air. “Humans are closing in.”
“How do you know?” Elle looked around.
“Don’t worry about it, dear. Darcy will keep an eye on them. They smell like frat boys passing through. They’ll be here tomorrow or in a couple of days depending on their speed. That’s why I got the diner. I’ve got the best nose in the pack.” Daisy tapped her nose.
Chuckling, Elle glanced out at the dance floor. Layla was dancing with a human male. Her friend deserved so much happiness.
“Lewis is not her mate,” Daisy said, cutting into her thoughts.
“I know. He doesn’t behave like Brandon does around me. I met him when I was sixteen. Why didn’t his mating sense come on then?” Elle asked.
“We’re magical beings, Elle, but our wolves seem to sense the right age for mating. I’ve not heard of many couples mating before the twenty-first birthday. It’s a significant birthday for many. You’ll have to ask Brandon why.”
Nodding, she glanced out at the dance floor feeling tired. “I’m going to go to bed.”
“Okay, dear. I’m going to stay some more. Enjoy your sleep.”
Elle smiled down at her then made her way into her home. Her mother was staring at the window of the kitchen. She looked a little spaced as Elle touched her neck. “Are you okay, Mom?” Elle asked.