She’d not felt him approach even though her thoughts had been dominated by him all afternoon.

“My family sits here,” she said.

“I’m your mate. I’m your family.” He shook her father’s hand, kissed her mother’s, and then took hold of her hand with the bandage on.

Following his footsteps, she stood up. He removed the bandage covering her wrist. The red bite mark was clear to see as it stood out on her pale skin.

More gasps came from the humans as they were behind her.

Did any of them know what the bite mark meant?

Brandon walked her to the head of the table. Darcy, Drake, and Lewis sat on either side of him. She sat at the head with Brandon. Her cheeks heated as all gazes were on them. She felt their gazes on her body.

“I want to present the humans of Grace Hill with my mate. Elle Smith is who the fates have decreed will be my mate. She’ll be given the respect expected of her title.” Brandon kissed the mark on her wrist. “And I claim her for my own.”

She kept her gaze down not wanting to look at him. During his little speech she noted he spoke words of the fates decreeing her his mate rather than him picking her to be his.


Did he really think she was stupid enough not to notice his slight against her?

This is why you need to get out of Grace Hill. You need to get away from him.

His hand tightened on her thigh stopping her from going anywhere. Biting down on her lip she glanced at Layla. Her friend offered her a soft smile, which was no comfort to her at all.

The feast started as all the pack dived in. Elle stared at the humans wishing she was there. They kept turning to look at her. Some of the humans sneered while others offered her a smile.

“You’re not eating,” Brandon said.

She picked her fork up and started nibbling on the food that appeared on her plate. Brandon must have placed food on her plate when she’d been looking at her kind. Keeping her bitten wrist under the table she ate little food even though the wolves kept filling their plates. They were known for their appetites.

Music filled the air, and couples started dancing. She watched as Layla declined a couple of partners. This was their first feast, and her friend was alone. Pushing her chair back, Elle made for her friend.

“Where are you going?” Brandon asked. His hand shot out halting her from moving. Glancing down at the arm that stopped her, she swallowed past the lump that formed in her throat. “Look at me.”

Quickly, she glanced in his eyes before averting them. “I want to go and dance with my friend. She’s lonely.” Nibbling her lips she waited for him to release her.

“Lewis, go and dance with Layla.”

The other man went without argument. Brandon took her hand leading toward the area of the town where couples were dancing. The tables were being packed away by both humans and wolves.

Brandon’s arms were wrapped around her as they made it onto the dance floor. She got a chance to see Layla in Lewis’s arms before her vision was blocked by a hard muscled chest. At least he’d worn a shirt this time. The tribal tattoos were still visible on his arms.

“Why are you so tense in my arms?” he asked.

His voice caressed her neck. She shivered as the pleasure ran over her from his closeness. Her mind didn’t want him whereas her body did. Her nipples tightened, and heat flooded her panties.

“I’m not used to dancing with men,” she said, answering him honestly.

He stroked her hair. “Your hair is too short.”

She frowned. “It’ll grow.”

Why are you trying to appease him?

“Do you feel it, Elle?” he asked.

“Feel what?”

“Our connection.”

Elle didn’t know what to say and kept silent. She didn’t know if he was a violent man or not.

He’s a wolf. Of course he’s violent.

Why did this have to happen to me?

Chapter Six

Elle’s soft body melted against his. Brandon stroked her hair enjoying the feel of the soft locks running through his fingers. Her tits were pressed to his chest. His cock thickened in response to her innocent scent plaguing him. All he wanted to do was push her against the nearest tree and fuck her hard. He’d make her come on his cock then take her with his tongue. There was so much he wanted to do with her. Instead, he held himself back.

She was skittish around him. He couldn’t get her to look him in the eye for longer than a few seconds. Staring across her shoulder he watched Lewis dancing with her friend. If he needed to he’d get Lewis to dance with Layla all night long.

Having Elle in his arms was indescribable.

“How was your run?” she asked.