“I will. Thanks.”

I get back into Montana’s car, and she watches Zeke walk away.

“Whoa, what the hell happened since the gala last night?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Honey, I’m sorry if things aren’t working out.”

“I don’t know what things are right now,” I admit and stare out the passenger window as Montana drives through Huckleberry Bay toward the inn at the top of the cliffs, right next to the lighthouse. I’ve always loved it up here, and longed to see the inside of the lighthouse, to walk along the cliffs.

But it’s never been open to the public, at least until Luna decided to build the inn, Luna’s Light. It opens just before Christmas next month, with a huge holiday party for everyone in town. I can’t wait for it. I’m even going to buy a new dress for the occasion, and probably even splurge on getting my hair done.

“It’s so pretty up here,” Montana says as we climb the road that leads to the lighthouse. “So green, even in the fall.”

I nod in agreement, and then the lighthouse comes into view, along with the new inn just a short distance away.

We park and walk to the portico where the entrance to the inn is. The door is open, and we can hear people already talking and laughing inside.

There’s a huge foyer with a grand staircase that leads upstairs, but we walk straight down a hallway to a dining area where everyone is gathered.

There are even accordion-style doors that open on a pass-through to the kitchen, so dishes can be easily transferred to the dining room without having to walk around.

“This is incredible,” I breathe, and Luna turns with a big smile.

“You’re here! I’m so happy to have you guys. As you can see, we have drinks and lots of food. You know Mira, the chef at Three Sisters. Well, she’s the chef here, too, and she’s outdone herself on the menu, so have one of everything.”

“Luna, this is amazing,” Montana says with a little bounce. “The inn is just gorgeous.”

“Thank you.” Luna beams at the compliment. “I can’t wait for the rest of the town to see it in just a few weeks. I can’t believe we’re almost there.”

“Everyone is so proud of you,” Montana says and wraps her arms around Luna in a hug. “So damn proud.”

“Don’t go making me cry.” Luna wipes a tear from her eye and turns her attention to me. “Did you bring fun stuff for me?”

“Of course, I did. These aren’t all the scents I offer, but there’s a nice selection to try. And if you want something else, we can work up something unique and exclusive to the inn.”

“Oh, I love that idea,” Luna exclaims but then looks at me closer. “Are you okay, Cherry?”

I probably shouldn’t have come tonight. I hate being the center of attention.

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” Sarah adds as she joins us. Their third best friend, June, comes over as well and frowns at me.

“Have you been crying?” June asks. “Liquor. That’ll help.”

“It’s just been a shitty day,” I begin, but I’m pulled to a table where someone sets a drink and a heaping plate of food in front of me. Suddenly, I’m surrounded by Luna, Sarah, June, Montana, and even Amaryllis Lovejoy, Indigo’s sister.

“Tell us everything,” Luna invites. “This is girls’ night out. This is what we’re here for.”

“It is?” I ask with uncertainty.

“We’re not here to knit, honey,” Amaryllis says. “We’re here to vent, laugh, cry, solve the world’s problems. You’re up first. What’s up?”

For a moment, all I can do is stare at the women watching me with curiosity, and then I smile. “Zeke is an asshole.”

Okay, so maybe not an asshole, but I just don’t know what to do with him, and I need to talk about him behind his back to sympathetic friends. Plus, he told me he loved me, and I said nothing. Because I panicked.

“Man trouble,” June says with a nod. “We’re here for it. What did he do?”

“He says he wants me to move in with him. That I can sell my condo and start my business.”

They’re quiet for a moment, and then all frown.

“And then what did he do to piss you off?” Montana asks.

“That. That’s what he did. And he said that I don’t have to pay any bills at his condo.”

“Hold up.” Amaryllis shakes her head. “That pissed you off?”

“Yes! I’m not a kept woman. I don’t need to be taken care of. And I keep telling him that I don’t want to start my own business because it’s too risky. I need the stability of a regular paycheck. It’s like he just doesn’t listen to me. He said he wants to take care of me, like I’m a puppy or something. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was a kid.”