Now, Montana busts up laughing. “Well, duh. He wants to continue getting in your pants. He’s not going to try to piss you off.”

“I like him,” I repeat.

“Why does that make you look sad?”

“Because it’s been my experience that when I like a guy, they end up disappointing me. But I guess I’ll just ride the wave until it ends, right?”

“You’re such an optimist.”

“But am I wrong?”

“No, you’re not wrong.”

“Back to my original question. Do you have something I can wear? You’ve been going to this thing for a long time.”

“Of course, I do. In fact, I have a black number that will make Zeke weep tears of mercy.”

“Good. Let’s go with that one.”

Chapter Six


“Not that I’m trying to get you out of my place, quite the contrary really, but when are you getting your water heater fixed?”

Cherry and I are in my bathroom, both of us getting ready for tonight’s gala. Thankfully, I have a few suits that I’ve worn in recent years for other fancy parties, and Cherry helped me choose a black one with a blue shirt.

She says it’ll match her dress, but she hasn’t let me get a look at said dress yet.

It’s killing me.

“I don’t have plans to have it fixed.”

I stop, my razor halfway down my face, and stare at her in the mirror as she applies something pink to her cheek.


She doesn’t spare me a glance.

“I haven’t scheduled it.”

“Why not?”

Cherry shrugs one terrycloth-clad shoulder. “Because I can’t afford a new hot water heater right now, and I’m getting by without it, so it’s not on my priority list.”

Her eyes meet mine then.

“But if you’re sick of sharing with me, I’ll figure something else out.”

“I didn’t say that. I was just wondering about the water heater. You can shower here until the end of time. I don’t mind at all. But shit, Cherry, you need to have it fixed.”

“I will. Eventually.”

“Let me—”

“No.” She shakes her head and drops a brush into her bag. “Absolutely, not.”

“You can pay me back. It’s not charity, it’s a necessity.”

“Not right now, it isn’t,” she murmurs.

“Look, I’m not trying to pry into your private financial business, but you just sold two hundred candles in one swoop.”

“That money isn’t for the heater, it’s for other things.”

I love that Cherry’s financially responsible because those values align with mine, and I know we won’t have issues in this area, but this seems unreasonable even to me.

“Drop it,” she says before I can continue. “It’ll get fixed when I can do it. I don’t mean to be a bitch about it, but I’ve got it handled.”

“Okay. If you say so.”

“Now, I’m going into the guest bedroom so I can get dressed.”

She’s done her hair into a pretty twisty knot thing, and her makeup is perfect, setting off those gorgeous round eyes and plump lips.

“We could just stay here, and you can get naked,” I suggest, reaching for her, but she dodges out of my way and laughs.

“No way, I put too much work into this. I’ll be out in a few.”

I finish shaving and dress in the suit, only getting hung up on tying the tie once.

I fucking hate ties.

Just when I’ve put the finishing touches on styling my hair, I sense movement behind me. When I turn, I just about swallow my tongue.

Fucking hell, she’s gorgeous in a long, sleek black dress that exposes one shoulder and hugs her breasts and hips perfectly.

It’s loose around her feet, and I can’t help but lean down to raise the hem so I can get a peek at her heels.

“I didn’t realize you’re a shoe man.”

“When they look like that, hell, yes, I am. Jesus, baby, you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

“So are you.” She reaches out to straighten my tie, and I can’t help but lean in to kiss her, careful not to mess up her makeup.

“I’m going to be arrested before the night is over.”

She frowns. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to have to kill every man there for looking at you and thinking what I am right now.”

“What are you thinking?”

“How I can’t wait to get you out of this dress later.”

She smirks, but I shake my head.

“Dead serious. You’re beautiful, sweetheart.”

“Thanks. Let’s go before we’re late.”

* * * *

“I’m nervous,” Cherry whispers to me as we walk into the ballroom where the HBCOC is holding the gala.

“Are you kidding me? Honey, looking the way you do, you’re about to own that room.”

She smiles gratefully, but it’s the absolute truth.

The chamber president meets us at the door and gives instructions for where to find our table and when dinner will be served.

And then, when we get fully inside, I hear Cherry breathe a huge sigh of relief. My gaze follows hers, and I see Montana, the owner of the ice cream shop in town, Huckleberry Delight.

“You’re here,” Montana says with a big grin, hugging Cherry hard when we reach her. “Girl, you look better in that dress than I ever did.”