“How was your shower?” I ask, hoping to distract her from any questions her brilliant and inquisitive mind plans on asking.

“It wasn’t bad. There’s still some hot water. Are you going to take one?” she asks, running her eyes up and down my body. I’m just in my slacks pants and an undershirt.

I need to, but I’m not sure she won’t book it out the door. “In a few minutes.”

“You don’t trust me, do you? You think I’m going to run after what we just shared?” She narrows her eyes at me, and I’m a little ashamed of myself for not giving her the benefit of the doubt.

“Are you planning on running?” I ask, raising my brows and challenging her once more.

She shakes her head and sighs. “No. I don’t have anywhere to go.”

“Fine. I’ll take a shower.” I grabbed my belongings while she was in the shower this morning so I wouldn’t have to step out again.

Thankfully the area was clear and there was no sign of danger, and according to the text I received from Vito, Jason Strongman never made it to the airfield before he took off, so there was no risk on his end.

Taking my things into the bathroom, I step inside and shower as fast as possible. While I do, I shoot Flavio a message and ask him to call me in ten. Just as I’m getting dressed, he calls. “Hey, I need to track that asshole. Can I do it from the one you sent me last night?”

“Yeah, but I’ve been keeping tabs on him. I figured you’d want me to do it.”

“Good. Tell me what you got.” I take the information he gives me and store it for good use, coming up with a plan for later that I’ll run past Dario when I return.

There’s more to Jason Strongman than I gave him credit for. He’s slick and covering his tracks quicker than the wind in a sandstorm. I end the call with him and finally make my way out of the bathroom to find January standing by the window, staring outside.

She turns to me and asks, “Can we stop at my apartment? I need some of my things and as you can see, I need some clothes.” I lick my lips because I’d love to see her in nothing but those shorts and that tee shirt, but unfortunately she has a point.

“Yes, we can stop on the way back to the estate.”

“Do you live on the estate?” she questioned, raising her brow.

“Yes, I live on one of the properties.” Only four of us actually live on the main estate. The rest of the men drive in from their apartments nearby.

“Is the estate huge? How many of you live on it?” she asks in quick succession.

I raise my eyebrows and ask, “Are you doing an investigative report?”

“Of course not. I wouldn’t dare.” No. I need to be a little more trusting of my woman, but it’s hard, all things considered. It wouldn’t matter anyway because she’s not going to leave my side ever again. I’m going to have her in our home, filled with my cum and thoroughly sated as much as humanly possible, so she’ll never want to leave.

A text comes in from Flavio to give him a call. “Give me a moment. I’m going to load the vehicle with our things.”

“Okay. I’m going to try May again,” she says.

“She’s busy,” I inform her, but I leave out the whole wedding situation because it’s not something she needs to be made aware of just yet. After all, I’m not sure if it’s happened or how much I’m allowed to share, or what she’ll believe even if I did tell her.

“You keep saying that.” She stomps her feet, losing her patience with me, but there isn’t much I can do at the moment.

“Yeah, well, she is.”

“What are you not saying?”

“Let’s just say she’s probably getting up to what we were doing this morning.”

“Not May. She’s not like me. She’s a good girl.”

“Baby girl, you were a virgin.”

“Yes, but she wouldn’t give herself to the wrong side of the law.”

“People can surprise you.”

“They sure do.” She sighs again, parking her ass on the bed, rolling her phone in her hands.

“I’ll be right back.” She nods without looking up at me. When I step outside with our things, I notice a new vehicle nearby. “Flavio, what’s up?”

“Hey, the girl called him.”

“What girl?”

“The other number you had me track. January Holmes.”

“What the fuck?”

“Yes. She called him about twenty minutes ago. I thought maybe you did, but then she sent a text that I knew you wouldn’t.”

“Oh, hell, no.” He forwards it to me, and I’m fucking blown away. She gave him the hotel that we were staying at.

I slam through the doors and grab her around the fucking throat, pinning her to the bed. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”