“Sweetheart, I don’t give a fuck about that. I came to get you away from that boss of yours. Now—calm down and maybe if you behave, I’ll untie you, but until you do, I’m afraid you can’t be trusted, my fiery beauty.”

“I’m not your anything,” she hisses. I’d take that to heart if she didn’t stare at me with a hint of desire behind that fear.

“We’ll see.” I brush my lips against her forehead and then close the door. I get in the front seat and start the engine, driving through the woods.

“You’re a sick asshole. I don’t believe you.” She sits back, though, quietly looking out the window.

“You can believe whatever you want, but I got the message you sent to May.”

“Yeah, because you’re probably stalking us, right? Or is your friend interested in my friend?” I can’t say she’s wrong about either of those things.

“Spot on, but that’s neither here nor there.”

“So where are you taking me?”

“Back to Chicago.” We’re so damn far, and I didn’t plan ahead. Vito’s waiting at the airport for me, though.

“You came all the way over here just to get me away from my boss?” Yes, but not because I give a fuck about any story. I worry that he’s going to put his hands on what’s mine, and the bastard in me just won’t allow it.

“Yes. You know more than you should, and it’s my job to figure out what that is. I need to know everything about you, January,” I explain.

There’s a call on my phone, but it’s actually January’s, which rings at the same time. “You’re a piece of work.”

“It’s your boss.”

“What are you going to tell him?” she asks as if I give a fuck about answering to the likes of him. If I had my way, he’d be hanging upside down in the cabin by his balls.

“I’m not answering it. I don’t give a fuck. You’re the one who fucking jumped out of the window to escape the fucking prick. He’s lucky I don’t head back there and snap his fucking neck.”

“Why would you do that?” she asks. I can’t tell her the real answer just yet.

“Why would you feel the need to jump out the window into the woods?” I toss out.

“I asked you first.”

“Because you felt the need to run from him. You were frightened.”

“I’m frightened of you. You’re going to kill yourself too?”

I crack up in laughter, which causes her tiny nostrils to flare. “Bullshit, princess. You are far from frightened of me. You’d shut your pretty mouth, or you’d be playing nice instead of trying to piss me off. Now, relax and be a good girl.”

“I’ll never be a good girl for you.” She narrows her eyes at me, glaring with an evil promise to give me trouble. I don’t mind.

“Then I suppose you enjoy being tied up,” I offer, loving the fiery temper she has. It’s sure as fuck better than the frightened little woman who jumped out a window to escape a fucking predator.

“I suppose you enjoy kidnapping and tying up women.” Interesting…is she jealous?

“It’s a first. Nice change.”

My phone rings another ten times, and it’s all her boss trying to find her. We’re on the road toward the airport landing strip when I see the damn rental car. “He’s fucking behind us.”

Shit. It’s then that Flavio calls me, and I put him on speaker. “What’s up?”

“Hey, Enrico, sir. I just wanted to let you know that other number you gave me… Well, it’s tracking the first number. They aren’t together and, well, it’s calling it, and now it’s just left the location and following it.”

“Son of a bitch. This bastard wants to play with me.” Dario’s words come back in my head, reminding me that I have to remain in control and not filet the creep.

“Sorry, sir. I thought you wanted to know.”

“No, it’s good, Flavio. You did good. I owe you a gift. I’ll call you back in a minute. It’s time to deal with my problem.”

I answer the phone when it rings again. “Hello, Mr. Sizemore. Is it protocol for you to stalk your assistant?”

“What the fuck do you mean? Who are you, and why have you kidnapped my assistant?”

“I haven’t kidnapped her. I rescued her when she jumped out of her window, which you knew damn well. Why are you tracking her?”

“She’s more than my assistant. She’s my fiancée.”

“Bullshit, fuckface. You’re married, so beat it before I handle you.”

He’s still following me. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I end the call without giving him a response, and then I turn off her phone as well as the cloning link to lose the tracking, so I call Flavio and move into the main traffic away from the airport.

“Can we hack it and have him track someone else’s phone?”


“Okay. Do that. Send him on a wild goose chase.”