“Whatever. I’m about to go hunting, Flavio.”

“Sorry, yes.” I could picture him throwing his hands up in surrender as he apologizes. When I go hunting, that means I’m ready to end everyone in my path. Don’t piss me off. Flavio knows what it’s like to be on the wrong side of my blade, only to be saved by Dario who could use his help. Since then, he understands that I’m not the kind of person to piss off.

“Do you just want location, or do you want call logs and text messages?”

“Can I get them in real time?” I hope the fuck so.

“I can clone it so you get everything as it happens.”

“That’s great.”

“Here you go. It’s sent to your phone. Do you need anything else?”

“Actually, can you track another number? I just need to keep tabs on location.”

“Sure.” I give him the information, and he sends me the tracking information. “You need anything else?”

“No, I’m good, but you need a woman to toughen you up, Flavio,” I say with a chuckle. “Thanks. It’s a lifesaver.”

“Anything you need.” I hear him chuckle.

I end the call and then check the message, allowing me to access her phone. They’re together, but then the tracking is spotty. The terrain and signal could make it difficult to track them. Vito takes off, and we’re in flight for over an hour. I’m growing more and more anxious, checking the damn tracker, but it doesn’t do me any good at this point because they aren’t close to their destination yet.

A message between January and May calms me down a bit. It’s good to know that he hasn’t tried anything, and it’s clear she’s not interested in him. I want to know more about her, damn it. Unfortunately, I can’t read her previous messages like a sick stalker, but I resign myself to the fact that in a few hours I’ll see her beautiful face and ask her all the questions I need answering.

“How about I drop you off at a private landing strip? You can take the vehicle and park in the trees. You never know if you’ll need it,” Vito says as we get closer to Missouri.

“It’s probably for the best, even though it might take an hour longer.” The way I drive, it will take half that time, but I don’t want her running through the woods or trying to get away from me. It’s not like she’s aware of her future.

As we land at a private landing strip, I check the tracker and find the fucker jumped course. It looks like he’s taking her to a secluded cabin farther off the beaten path than the one they were scheduled to be at. The satellite capabilities of the map show me a small cottage that looks like it hasn’t been well taken care of and probably not their actual location. Shit, I need to get there fast before they get there. It’s still a far distance from both of us, but they’ll reach it first.

It’s starting to get dark when I finally arrive. I scope around the entire cabin with my listening device, trying to locate the two, praying I don’t catch that fucker with my woman in a compromising position. He’s on the phone to someone named Nick, and he’s snarling about Johnson’s death. It couldn’t be, could it?

We were already tracking his phone; that’s why it was so easy to find him. The phone goes off in my pocket, and I can see that she’s taken screenshots of Google Maps. Then it’s a new message to May. Fuck. This one isn’t fun or happy.

I’m around the corner just in time to see her jump out the window. The fucking woods are dangerous, especially for someone like her without any experience as the sun goes down.

I quickly wrap her up in my arms with my hand around her mouth. “Where are you going?”

She kicks me in the balls, sending me to my knees, and takes off running into the woods. “Fuck.”

Unable to wait for the pain to subside, I hobbled in her direction out of sight of the window and into the tree line. I can hear her feet crunch the wet and mucky leaves throughout the wilderness.

Then she gets as quiet as she can, but the rain has stopped, not doing her any favors.

Damn. I listen for the next noise, not hearing anything until she moves again. I’m two feet away, but she’s too slow and I have her. When I nab her, I’m not letting her get the best of me and I’m quick to throw her over my shoulder, snatching her bag away from her.

I carry my scared and brave woman to the waiting Rover and slide her into the back seat, tying her hands and feet before strapping her into her seat belt. “You animal. I knew you were evil. Why are you doing this? I didn’t see anything. I swear I wasn’t going to tell anyone that I saw you there at the apartment. Fuck, I don’t care that my piece-of-shit landlord is dead.” Shit, she saw us?