“I love the man you are, raging beast and all.”

Chapter Seven


“Have a drink and calm your ass down,” Alessio says, handing me a rocks glass. I take it from him and let the cool liquid pour down my throat.

“Damn, one is all you need. We don’t need you hunting down Strongman tonight,” Dario says.

“I know what I have to do and what I want to do. They’re not the same fucking thing which sucks. For as long as I’ve worked for you, I’ve never given you a reason to have you question my behavior.”

“Yes, but this is different and you know it. January means everything to you and a slight against her deserves retribution.” I nod.

“And in due time, I will have it one way or another, but

“I have to get her new clothes like yesterday, but the matters with Thompson and Strongman have to be dealt with quickly. I can’t say if there is anyone else, but there could be,” I explained to the guys as I paced Dario’s office, raking my fingers through my hair. Protecting January is all I can think about.

“Leave the clothes up to Mrs. Ricci and the girls. They’re all huddled together cursing us out upstairs as we speak,” Dario says. I brought January over to the main house on the estate this morning because the important matters needed to be discussed.

“There’s no need to handle Thompson. It seems he accidentally offed himself,” Luca says, walking into the room with a cup of coffee and not a care in the world.


“You remember the bang when we left?” Luca says.

I nod. “Yes, but I thought he shot it off into a wall or some shit.”

He shakes his head and smirks.

“Nah, the dumb fuck was too high. The contact I have in the police department mentioned that it was an accidental discharge since they found the open ketamine vial next to him. Apparently, he wasn’t even supposed to be on duty or at the apartment. He was under investigation since he often dined at Coleman’s diner.”

“Good. So they think he ransacked the place?” Dario asks, verifying the details.

“Yes. It looks like it, or at least what they believe is he must have tripped in the darkness, busted his mouth, and spilled his vial. In his stoned state, he killed himself, or maybe he intentionally killed himself when he couldn’t find what he was looking for. They don’t know, but the wound was self-inflicted.”

“Damn—good. Now we have one to go,” Alessio says, rubbing his hands together.

“Also lunch is ready.”

We exit his office to go looking for our women to have lunch and then we’ll figure out a plan to deal with the rest of the assholes.

“Fellas,” January calls out from the staircase, looking too hot for her own good and every damn male around. I growl, seeing her in a sexy business-dress pant suit. What the fuck is she doing in that?

“What are you wearing?” I growl, eyeing her from head to toe.

She pops down the last step and saunters over to me in a pair of killer heels that add to her sex appeal. I want to strip her bare and have those fuckers cup my fucking ears while I drill into her tight pussy, breeding her cunt. “I have to go back to the office tomorrow.”

“The hell you do,” I snarl, dragging her to my side, slamming my mouth onto hers to silence that stupid shit falling from it.

“Actually…” Dario interjects. I pull back and snarl at my boss.

She smiles at Dario and now I get my Alessio was so damn jealous. “See, I was thinking that since Jackass Jason doesn’t believe I’m onto him, and like I just overheard—”

“Fucking snooping again. She’s definitely a reporter,” I tease. She nudges me in the ribs. “A dirty shot,” I grumble.

“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Anyway, as I was saying, I could stroll in, roll with whatever lie he tosses out, and make my presence known. It will make him nervous, and of course he can’t react in a public place. I’ll be able to gather what I need to bury him when I’m there while also bowing out of the position properly. I don’t want the police wondering why I just disappeared.”

“Great idea. We could really use her,” Dario says, pointing at her while smiling with pride. I’d be jealous if he wasn’t madly in love with his wife.

“I don’t like it,” I grumble anyway because it’s total bullshit to put my woman in danger.

January places her soft hand on my chest, rubbing it up and down, getting me hard in a split second and right now, I’ll agree to fucking anything. “You can wait for me if you like,” she says in a sweet voice that goes straight to my balls.

“You know damn well I will because there’s no way in hell I’m going to leave you unprotected.” I cup her face, cradling her beauty in my hands, knowing I could never live without this woman and tomorrow is going to kill me.