Without drawing attention to myself, I give it a quick tug, taking the photo off the wall and tucking it into my suit jacket pocket. Slowly I approach Dario’s bloodbath and take a look at the screens again.

My eyes darted to another screen. I seethe with rage as I stare at my woman on this bastard’s computer. My woman is sitting with her legs crossed in just panties and a tee that cuts just above her belly button, a notebook in hand and a pencil between her teeth, looking absolutely fetching.

Yes, she’s my woman. I’ve just fucking declared that shit. I’ve lost it like the other two.

I want this bastard’s head. I’m ready to stomp his head into the ground for such a violation of privacy.

“Your just desserts.” Dario’s fist lands before he finishes speaking. Johnson falls back, catching the edge of the chair, and lands on the floor, sending the chair clattering against a set of boxes.

They fall open, and out cascades pictures. I picked up a stack, grateful we’re all wearing gloves because there are two dozen of January alone in the same apartment as the girls. The more I see the deeper my anger grows. And to think, I thought Dario had lost his mind. He was much more in control than I gave him credit for. In seconds, January had become mine without knowing, my depths know no bounds.

“Shit,” he hisses, going for them, but Dario’s on him, unable to quit beating the man.

“We need to question him,” Alessio reminds him. There are more people working with this fucker for sure.

“We don’t need shit from this fuck. Everything we need is around us. He’s a piece-of-shit twisted fuck with a death wish. Like you don’t see June here, Alessio. Tell me again that I need to hold it together, and I’ll fucking pop you one.”

“Understood.” Alessio backs up and throws his hands up in mock surrender while Dario goes back to continue his assault, kicking the dog shit out of this worthless life-form.

“Please stop. I want to live.” It seems the more he pleads, the angrier Dario gets, and I can’t blame him. If Dario didn’t have the right first, I would have been the one to do it with pleasure.

Dario gets all in his face. “Tough. You stared at my woman, touched her with your filthy hands, dared to use her for your own sick fantasies. You don’t deserve anything less than death.”

Dario finishes him off with a kill shot to his head. The man is done. “Go around and get everything we can with June and May’s images on it as well as their roommate’s. I don’t want them tied to any of this shit. Understood?”

“Of course.” We all move around the room, going through all the documents while our cleanup crew waits for Dario’s call. It’s then that I notice something, and my temper grows beyond the regular son of a bitch I am.

I stare at the tapes in Johnson’s apartment and my thumb flexes across my knuckles, cracking them effortlessly. Holding one with January’s name written on it, I crush it in my hand easily. Never have I felt such justifiable rage in my life. He lies there in a pool of his blood, and I’m pissed that I didn’t get to do the honors. Dario stole that thunder from me.

This woman on his screen had been one of Johnson’s unaware victims and is now my obsession. January had shown him her private areas without knowing it, and technically every man in this room has seen them as well, although they don’t seem to care. Her little kitten was nearly on display. God knows what was on that tape, and I don’t want to see it because there will be hell to pay for anyone he could have sold that video to.

Turning around to his mutilated corpse, I whip out a knife and stake him in the heart. “Prick.”

“He had it coming,” Alessio mutters when Dario stares at me in shock. It wasn’t like he hadn’t fucking gone buck wild on this motherfucker moments earlier. He mastered the art of psycho on this sad fuck just minutes ago. I can’t believe how insane our calm boss had been, but we both saw the way he’d looked at the waitress at Coleman’s diner. May Beaman is his obsession, and Johnson had touched what didn’t belong to him. Hell, I finally understood it all, and it only took a moment for me to get the obsession.

“Let’s get the guys in to clean this up. I have another matter to deal with tonight. Alessio, you go home and tend to your woman. Enrico, you and Vito will be coming with me for this one.”

As we make our exit, I steal a glance upward to the next floor where my future wife slept. Soon, I’d lay claim to her. There is no doubt in my mind that I’ll do anything to have her as mine, even if that means snatching her up in the middle of the night.