“Not going to happen. I already found my woman. Now, finish your food.”

“Yes, sir.” I salute him and then go back to eating my burger and refuse to look at him again so I don’t know if he truly has his eyes on me even though I can feel those intensely devilish ones on me.

We go back to that uncomfortable silence while we munch down on some greasy food that I’m sure will not be good for my figure. He finishes before me, tossing his trash in the can next to him.

“Thank you for the food and the massage,” I say, setting my wrappers in the trash.

“You’re welcome. Now, it’s time to get some sleep.” It’s the last thing on my mind right now.

“Sleep? Where are we sleeping? There’s only one bed,” I boldly remind him, which I’m sure he hasn’t missed.

“We’ll be sharing it. Relax. I’ll behave myself. As much as I want you naked, I only want you coming to me of your own free will.”

“Fine, I’ll kick you in the balls again if you do try anything,” I say.

“That’s understandable. Just keep them knees and feet to yourself until I deserve it, princess. Come on. I’m tired, and I’m sure you’re exhausted.” I’m only in my tee shirt and panties when I slide under the covers.

He sets a thing of zip ties on the nightstand as a warning. “I promise I won’t run.”

He turns off the light and strips out of his outer clothes until he’s in just his boxers, but I can still make out the silhouette of his body from the bathroom light. “Good girl. Now go to sleep.” I feel the bed move as he maneuvers his large frame next to mine. Why does it feel so good?

It’s just plain freaking wrong. He kidnapped me, damn it. Yes, he saved me from my boss and from my own ridiculous plan to run into the wilderness, but he still kidnapped me.

“What are you mumbling about over there?” he growls out.

“Um, nothing. Geez, you kidnap a girl then have complaints about her thoughts while she tries to clear her head.”

“Get some sleep. We’re heading back to Illinois tomorrow, and it’s a long drive.”

Wow, someone is getting crabby. “Did you drive all the way here?”

“No, I flew in.”

“Then why aren’t we flying back?”

“Because we had a fucking tail on us, and I wanted to lose him before he got any personal information and linked it back to my boss.”

“Oh, yeah.” I nod in the darkness because that’s smart.

“Yeah, your boss might be a sick fuck, but he’s also a reporter with a lot of connections.”

I reach over on my side and turn on the side lamp, sitting up in bed. I ask, “Are you always this grumpy?”

“I have a lot of tension right now,” he grumbles, covering his eyes with his strong forearm, displaying his epically awesome muscles. My pulse kicks up a notch, and I ache so much just visualizing his arms around me again.

“Maybe you’re the one who needs a massage,” I say, reaching out to touch his ripped bicep.

“That’s not a good idea,” he growls, moving fast as hell and sitting up, so I can’t make contact with his muscular arm.

“Why not?” I ask.

“I thought I fucking explained it.” I shake my head. “Because I want you on my cock, screaming my name as you take every inch of me while I beat up that pussy. And frankly, massaging me isn’t going to stop that from going away.”

“You shouldn’t say things like that,” I answer with a pout, sounding more like a naughty schoolgirl than I mean to be.

Honestly, I’m so turned on; I want to ride his cock, his face, or any part of him he’d let me. It’s terrible because he’s not the kind of man I should be attracted to, especially since he kidnapped me, but heaven have mercy on me because resisting the urges rushing through me is getting harder and harder as every moment passes.

“Why is that?” he asks, reading me easily.

I stiffen my back and puff up my chest, crossing my arms over my breasts in a huff. “Because it’s not polite. We’re supposed to be sharing a bed without you fucking me.” I have to create the illusion that I don’t desire him.

“Exactly. So keep your tiny hands to yourself and go to sleep.”

Maybe I could use those zip ties on him if he falls asleep.

“Little girl, I can break through those zip ties.” Shit, he heard me. He quickly wraps them around his wrists, tightening them with his mouth to the point that they are nearly cutting off his circulation, and with a rapid tug, tears them right off. “Do you want to try me?”

“Jackass.” He smirks.

I give him a light shove and stick my tongue out at him. He glares and then reaches over me. I freeze, thinking he’s going to lean in and kiss me, but instead, he continues past my body, turning off my nightstand light. “Go to bed before I forget my manners and bury my big dick inside your wet pussy or let that tongue of yours lick my cock like a damn lollipop.”