He forms an O with his mouth and then nods. “Sorry about that, sweetheart. I should have done that when we first met, but since someone had their foot in my balls, it was a little difficult. My name is Enrico Vincenzo Gennaro Barone.”

“Wow, seriously. We’re still on that sore subject?” I tease. I’m sure that shot to the balls had to hurt, but in my defense, it felt necessary at the time. “So you have all those names?”


“Or are those just your aliases?” I raise my eyebrow and twist my lips, challenging him.

He just smirks at me, tapping my chin. “Don’t need aliases if you’ve never been caught, sweetheart.”

I try to hide the instant raise in my core body temperature and elevated heartrate when he called me sweetheart, so I throw out another challenge. “So you’re just really good at kidnapping women.”

“I already told you, love. You’re the only one, so don’t get so jealous.” I hate that he’s reading me too well which is expected for a man like him.

“Chill that oversized ego of yours. I’m not jealous; I’m gauging my captor.”

“I’m not your captor.” I cock my brow at him, and then he shrugs. “Well, I suppose I am, but not in a bad way.”

“Whatever. So tell me more about you, Enrico Vincenzo Gennaro Barone.”

“That smart mouth of yours needs to be punished.” Damn, why does that sound like a welcome invitation?

“Yeah, well. I’m here with you, aren’t I?” I tease, egging the brute on. There’s just something about this strong, intimidating, handsome persona that draws me to him.

“Damn it, girl.” He shakes his head, and then there’s a knock on the door.

“That better be our food. Don’t act up. It won’t be good for the delivery person, and I’m sure they have a family to go home to.”

“You are an asshole.”

“Yes, I am, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep you safe.”

“I’ll behave for now so some random stranger doesn’t get hurt.” He goes to the door, and I don’t see who the person is but I hear the woman’s voice, and instantly I don’t like her. It’s husky and sensual, like she has plenty of experience with men like Enrico. I grumble as she chats with him about his needs.

“He doesn’t need anything else,” I hissed, stepping up beside him. “He didn’t order a hooker with his meal. If he wanted stale fish, he would have ordered it. Now be gone.” I nudge my way between the door and him and slam it shut with a bit too much attitude. “Are we going to eat, or are you going to let my food get cold while you chase tail.”

“Sweetheart, the only pussy I crave is too fucking feisty to get a hold of. You need to eat before you bite my dick off.”

“You wish I got that close to your dick.”

“You will, and you know it. Don’t fucking deny you want me. Or keep denying it, and you’ll be longing to ride this cock sooner or later.” I roll my eyes and snatch the bag of food because he’s not wrong.

“Keep dreaming.”

“It’s sure as hell going to be a hot dream tonight,” he says, leaning in and brushing his lips against my hair.

“Just eat.”

He gives me that curled up smile before licking his lips and staring right between my legs. “I thought you’d never…”

“I meant the takeout,” I glare, doing my best to keep my body from reacting.

“Hand it over.” He reaches out, snatching the bag from me this time and smiling, moving over to the small table and chair that look like they’ve seen better days and taking a seat.

When he notices that I haven’t taken my eyes off him, he gives me a wink. I flip him off and sit on the bed to eat my food because it’s too dangerous to sit next to him. Why am I letting him get to me?

We don’t say anything as we eat our food, and the silence is uncomfortable. Not since my freshman year in high school was I nervous eating in front of people, and that was in front of the cool girls, but this is different.

Enrico’s eyes continue to lift up from his food, focusing on me, but it’s not to keep an eye on me. It’s something else entirely. There’s a wicked gleam in his eyes that should scare my virginal self, but it doesn’t. No, I long for it, want to see what he’d do to me if he let loose the brute inside.

“Are you enjoying your meal?” I ask.

“Yes, but I could be having a better meal.” He wags his brows up and down, staring right at the apex of my thighs again.

“Sorry, you’re on guard duty tonight. You can go look for a woman tomorrow after you drop me off.”