“Yes, sir. I’ll be tracking it. Do you need anything else?”

“No. I’m good.” I ended the call.

“He’s tracking me?” she gasps. I can see her shaking. Fuck. There’s a car that I recognize nearby and it’s his, but then suddenly it’s turning off toward another direction. Good.

“Hold on.” I pull into a nearby hotel parking lot. I call Vito. “Take the plane back. I’m going to drive.”

“Okay. Are you sure you’re good?”


“Let me know if you need anything. I’ll let the boss know.”

“Thanks.” I end the call and check my surroundings several times before I open the door and slide into the backseat. Pulling her into my arms, I hold her tightly. “Calm down, January. I’m not going to let him hurt you, ever.”

“He was going to find me. What does he want with me?”

“I don’t know.” I have a feeling, but we don’t need to discuss that. I have to get her inside a hotel and in a warm bath with some food so she can get regulated and back to a rational state of mind. Her shaking is scaring me. I never want her to hurt in any way, shape, or form.

I keep her tied up and check into the hotel only to find her pressing on the damn horn. “Fucking shit.” I whip open the door and snap off on her. “Do you want him to come back and find your ass?”

“No.” I nudge her ass back in her seat and pull into the spot outside our door and park.

She’s so small compared to me that I toss her over my shoulder and swat her ass. “Behave or I’ll make things worse for you, little girl.” Luckily all the entrances are from the outside and we’re on the first floor. I unload her with my emergency blanket over her so it looks like we’re avoiding the rain as I carry her into the room.

Once inside, she tries to throw herself out of my arms, but she’s still tied up so I toss her pretty ass on the bed.

“Sweetheart, why must you give me a hard time? I’m trying to help you.” I shake my head and stare at her in frustration. She’s beautiful, even with her face flushed, hair messy and tied up. In fact, maybe I find her even sexier. I need to get a hold of that tension.

“You’ve kept me tied up,” she reminds me.

“You kicked me in the balls after I tried to save you from going straight into danger.”

“I didn’t know who had me.”

“You knew damn well it wasn’t that asshole.” She looks right at me, knowing the truth.

“Then you fucking tried to draw attention to yourself instead of behaving while I was trying to keep you from going into complete shock.”

“I’m sorry about that. It was stupid.” She bows her head shamefully.

I slide my finger under her chin, tipping her head upward to meet my eyes. “I’m going to untie your pretty little ass and then feed you, okay?”

She nods. I undo her ankles and then her hands. “Here you go.” I expect her to suddenly fight me, but she doesn’t. Instead, she rubs her wrists, which makes me feel like a big old heel. I sit at the foot of the bed and take off her shoes and socks. Once her tiny feet are bare, I grab them and set them on my lap, massaging her poor feet.

“Don’t; they must be gross.” She reaches down, trying to stop me.

I wrap her wrists in one of my hands and stop her. “I don’t give a fuck. I feel like a prick for having hurt you at all. Now, relax and let me make it better. What do you want to eat? I’m sure you’re hungry.”

“Do you think we can get any food here?” I hear her belly rumble and she presses her hands to it, blushing immediately.

I check the menus that are on the nightstand table. “There are a few restaurants right around the corner.”

“It’s storming out there.”

“According to the radar, it’s going to lighten up. Besides, they will deliver for the right price. Now what do you want, princess?” I toss them on the bed next to her and then walk over to the window, checking for that asshole. My tracker shows him out, around twenty minutes from us. That’s good news because he’s far away from her and I can keep my word to Dario.

“I’m not a princess. I’ve never been a princess,” she says in a whisper, but I hear the sadness in her voice.

I turn around and kneel down in front of her. “You should be a princess.”

“What do you want from me? I don’t have any special information, and I don’t plan on going to the cops about seeing you in front of the apartment.”

“I told you I don’t care about that.”