“It is only a scratch,” Melvin said, yanking his arm away from May so he could take a large swallow of ale.

“The wound is red and warm, and something looks to be embedded in there,” May said, grabbing hold of his wrist to shove his arm down to rest on the table once he put the tankard down.

“What happened, Melvin,” Cavell asked when he and Elsie reached the table.

“A few men surprised us,” Melvin said, yanking his wrist free of May’s hand. “Had to handle most of them myself, the men with me not much good at fighting.”

“Murdock men are good fighters, it is that you are an exceptional fighter that you feel they lack fighting skills,” May said in defense of the men.

Melvin shrugged. “That’s a good point.”

May grabbed his wrist again and slammed his arm down on the table, Melvin wincing. “Now you will let me look at the wound or I will think you a coward.”

Melvin’s eyes shot wide. “Watch your tongue, woman. I am no coward.”

May stuck her face close to his. “Then prove it.”

“Do what you will, woman, then leave me be,” Melvin said and grabbed the tankard with his other hand and drank.

“Men,” May said, shaking her head.

“Women!” Melvin shot back, wrinkling his nose.

May laughed. “Try living without our favors.”

Melvin looked ready to shoot back a remark, then clamped his mouth shut.

Feeling sorry for Melvin, May the winner in that round, Cavell asked, “What happened?”

“A small bunch of stray mercenaries came upon us wanting whatever food or drink we had. I told them we would share some with them, but they wanted it all. I told them that was not about to happen. Punches started flying, I will say the Murdock clansmen did not back down from the fight, but it ended quickly when I managed to finally grab my battle-axe. One look at its long handle and they bolted, realizing they were about to be slaughtered by a Gallowglass warrior. I got the wound in the fight, though what caught my arm I don’t know.”

“Whatever it was, it was wood,” May said. “There is a splinter in the wound which if left in could turn putrid and you would lose your arm or your life.”

“I would rather lose my life than my arm,” Melvin said. “So, don’t think you’ll be hacking off my arm.”

“Then it is a good thing I spotted your wound and tend to it so you don’t lose either,” May scolded.

“Then be done with it, woman, so I don’t have to suffer your mouth anymore,” Melvin ordered.

“You will suffer my mouth as long need be for your wound to heal properly,” May said.

“Enough squabbling,” Cavell ordered, eager to hear what Melvin may have discovered. “Tell me what you found, Melvin.”

“Nothing that pointed to a lone woman traveler,” Melvin said disappointed. “Though I was surprised to learn from a crofter that Noble had been in the area days ago.”

“What would Noble be doing around here? His family’s isle is at least two days from here.”

“I thought the same myself, but he could have been doing some scouting for Slayer. He tracks like no other. He is more successful at tracking people than Slayer’s hounds,” Melvin said.

“Slayer has hounds?” Elsie asked.

“A vicious bunch,” Melvin said.

“Sky befriends animals easily,” Elsie said, thinking if her sister could befriend the hounds, they might offer her some protection.

“Not Slayer’s hounds. They obey only him,” Melvin said.

“He’s right,” Cavell confirmed. “The hounds are a vicious lot. No one goes near them, but Slayer and they dare not obey anyone but him.”

Maybe so, Elsie thought, but there had not been a wild animal in the forest that Sky had not been able to befriend. She had a special bond with animals. Their mum had said it was because the animals sensed that Sky had a kind soul and would never harm them. Perhaps Slayer’s hounds would realize that and offer her some protection. The thought gave her hope for her sister’s safety.

“It’s a puzzle,” Melvin said, looking at Cavell. “How does a lone woman, as beautiful one as many claim she is, survive on her own?”

Melvin was not puzzled. He was stating the obvious to Cavell that the woman could not have survived, and she had either been captured by the rogue band of mercenaries or she was dead. Something Melvin spared Elsie from hearing directly.

“Perhaps this man, Noble, a fellow Gallowglass warrior, might know something about Leora. Can you send a message to him?” Elsie asked, ever hopeful.

“Not sure where to send it,” Melvin said. “If Noble is helping Slayer, he could be anywhere. OW!” Melvin turned a scowl on May.

“Got it!” May said proudly, displaying a long sliver of wood. “And you are lucky I did.”

“Good now you can leave me alone,” Melvin said ready to yank his arm away.