“I’ve been a billionaire for over a decade with literally the world at my fingertips, but I’m finally happy for the first time in my life, and it’s because of you.” Mia’s grip on my hand tightened.
Turning to her, I gazed into her beautiful brown eyes. “I want a family, Mia. With you. Only you. I want kids. Lots of them! With the woman of my dreams.”
She put my hand over her heart. “I want the same thing with you, Theo.”
Her lips crashed into mine ardently. Suddenly, we were flinging our clothes of each other, our hands running over each other’s bodies as if we’d never touched each other before.
“I love you so much,” I cried into Mia’s hair as she straddled me, her hair cascading down into my face.
Bending down, she clutched the sides of my face and kissed me hard making my lips tingle when she pulled away. “I love you, too.”
Slipping my hard cock into her, she cried again, “Theo, I love you!” A low sensual moan soon followed as she bucked on top of me. Gripping her hips, I guided her up and down watching her face twist into ecstasy. This woman was so beautiful to me, it hurt.
When her eyes opened wide and she let out an eruptive moan, I flipped her over on her back to thrust into her harder. Plunging into her hot pussy at just the angle I knew she liked, Mia’s pussy exploded around my dick in a torrent of bliss. As she contracted around me, my own desire reached its peak. Spurting my cum into her, I groaned loudly unclenching the tension inside that I’d held onto for so long.
Looking down at my fiancée, I felt at peace for the first time in my life. All the questions hovering over me all my life were answered and if not answered, no longer mattered. I had everything I needed and wanted in the beautiful woman before me.
While we were in Tennessee, of course, the paparazzi found out and snapped some photos of Theo and me. Some of the paparazzi guys were pretty sneaky and had managed to grab a close up photo of my engagement ring.
Speculation about the cost of my ring became the talk of the town, if the town was the collective media. No matter how many millions of dollars Theo spent, what mattered to me the most was what it stood for. It was a symbol of our love. If he had given me something much more simple, I would have loved it all the same.
It was true. With it on my hand as I worked at my computer, the sparkle and shine of the rock could be distracting. It truly was a beautiful piece of jewelry.
Everyone back at Pictogram congratulated me on our engagement except for one person, Penny. She cornered me in the bathroom.
In a syrupy sweet voice, she asked, “Can I see the ring everyone can’t stop talking about?”
A little guarded, I quickly flashed my hand at her, but she snatched my fingertips and pulled my hand closer to her. “Well, isn’t that beautiful.” Her face tightened with disdain and her eyes looked stormy.
Stepping back from her and walking to the door, I said, “Thank you, Penny”
As I reached for the door, she gave a snide laugh. “You know? I think it’s great you’re going along with all of this.”
I turned back around to face her. “What do you mean?”
Her red hair was more unkempt than I’d ever seen it. She usually wore a tight bun, but today, her hair had unraveled, strands of hair fluttering as she spoke. “You do know, don’t you? The only reason Theo asked you to marry him is because the Board told him to.”
My body felt like it had fallen through the floor. “He would never just listen to whatever the Board tells him to do.” My voice unintentionally quivered.
Penny’s mouth tightened into a smirk. “Poor thing. You just don’t know Theo like I do. He loves the company and would do anything to save it.” She laughed wickedly. “Even marry you.”
My anger boiled quickly. “That’s not true! Theo loves me. What we have is real. You wouldn’t know anything about it.” Hating myself for doing it, I added, “We even went to Tennessee to meet his family. We’re in love.”
Penny shook her head. “That publicity stunt in Tennessee? I have to say that was well executed. The media ate it all up.”
Doubt began to bubble up inside me, overtaking my anger. Could Penny be telling the truth? Would Theo do that to me?
“I took notes at the Board meeting, Mia. If anyone would know what is really happening, it would be me.” She cocked her head in mocked sympathy. “Oh no! Have I upset you?”
Grabbing for the door handle, I spat, “You’re lying. I don’t believe you.”