Page 16 of Until Beckett

If my nerves got too much, I may even have to get Hardin on the case, too. The only issue then would be that I would have some explaining to do on why I was so desperate to talk to Asher and I wasn’t sure if Corey would be ready for me to say anything yet. Scrap that, I didn’t even know if there was anything to actually say to anyone. At this moment I just needed to talk to him and know what was going on in his head. I was moving the first two pieces of luggage that I’d packed when my cell started vibrating in my pocket.

I instantly froze and pulled it out, glancing at Asher’s name glowing back on the screen at me. The fucker had decided to finally grow some balls and contact me back.

My heart thumped wildly in my chest when I read the message.

Asher: Corey’s here with me. They’re both safe. Come and get your man.

Fuck, that meant one thing… Asher knew, and Corey had told him everything.

The thing was, Asher wasn’t keeping me away from him, he was encouraging me to come and show Corey how I felt. It’s not like it would stop me going to him anyway, but to know I had his support meant the world to me. It made this fight a hell of a lot easier.

I gulped harshly at the thought as butterflies swarmed away in my gut. Did that mean Corey’s thoughts aligned with my own? That, yes, he was confused and uncertain but deep down I was part of the future he wanted?

It seemed that Asher believed something was happening between us, as he’d given me the information I’d needed. All that I had to do was show Asher it was the right move to make so that Corey realized that both Mila and him couldn’t live their lives without me.

I don’t think Corey understood the lengths I would go to for him, but I was sure about to make the image crystal clear to everyone who mattered in our lives—especially him.

* * *

The driveto Murfreesboro was long and tiring, but I didn’t care about the tiredness or the fact I had to keep stopping due to the cramps in my legs from them being in the same position for such a long period of time. I had only one objective, and once I reached Corey, I’d relax. I could then allow the unease and discomfort to quiet within me, but before then, each second of pain was worth enduring if it meant I was getting closer to my man. He was the only person who mattered in all this—both him and Mila.

I may break and I may fall on my journey, but I would do anything and everything to make sure they didn’t break too. It was as if the love I felt for them within my heart made me ensure that every breath, every step, every thought was for the pair of them only. Anything else was inconsequential to me.

By the time I shut the engine off and pulled up outside Asher and November’s place, it was late. I’d considered heading to a motel rather than going directly to them, but in my gut, I knew I wouldn’t have been able to stay away. Hopefully November doesn’t kill me for appearing at this late hour. I should be all right as long as I don’t wake any of the children from their slumbers.

I opened the car door and saw a figure heading toward me, smirking as they got closer. I’d recognize that stance and hair anywhere. Asher pulled me into his arms and patted me on the shoulder.

“You made good timing. I thought I’d be glancing through that window a while longer yet,” he said as he led me toward the door. “I think you have a little time for a conversation with me first before he knows you’re here.”

“You didn’t tell him.” I dropped my head low, not wanting to catch Asher’s gaze. “I mean… I shouldn’t have brought you into this mess.”

“Corey did that all on his own.” Asher chuckled. “Drink?” He motioned to the fridge. “What can I get you?”

“Just a water, please. I’m keeping a clear head,” I admitted as I lifted my head and gave him a small smile in thanks. “It’s just, if Mila…”

“Her tooth cut through her gum. I think Corey is over the moon for the added rest, if I’m honest,” Asher said, handing me the glass of water. “But we did talk, and you can guess that has something to do with my message…”

“Yeah, I’m just wondering how much you know and what to actually admit.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t want to betray Corey, especially when everything is different for him.”

“Well, I can tell you I know what happened that night and the guilt he feels. I will say, though, I didn’t expect for this to be mutual.” Asher squinted his eyes at me in assessment. “I thought you’d answer my message back by retaliating or freaking out, but instead you conceded. Beckett, you didn’t head straight here, though, and that makes me wonder what was going through your head,” Asher continued. “Is this just a ploy or—”

“Fuck no!” I exclaimed, the anger instantly burning through my veins. “I’m sorry, Asher, but that man means so much to me. I fucking just gave up everything for him.” I let out a long breath. “I just left behind my career all in the name of him—”

“You did what?” Corey’s voice echoed from the doorway. I spun around to see him standing there with Mila held over his shoulder as he rubbed her back. “You left your job? What would ever make you do that? You loved working at the school, it was your dream career.”

“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Asher said as he headed past me, stopping by my side and talking quietly so only I could hear his words. “Tell him how you feel. Tell him the truth and be honest about it, man. But I tell you if you don’t want him, don’t toy with his heart. He couldn’t cope with it.”

“I’d never do that,” I swore to him.

“Right, let me take the little princess and get her settled back down for the night,” Asher said, holding his hands out to Corey. “I assume everything’s in your room?” he asked, and Corey nodded at him. “Right, princess. Let’s leave your daddy and Beckett to talk, shall we?”

Mila cooed back and let out a blurt of wind as Asher headed straight back toward the bedroom.

“So, the job.” Corey pushed the subject again as I allowed my eyes to scan over his body, checking every inch of him to make sure he was okay. “Are you going to—”

My mouth instantly dried at the sight of him. I couldn’t help but become aroused at the low-slung joggers hanging from his waist and his bare chest on show. He was like my own personal treat and wet dream rolled into one nice, neat package.

I cleared my throat before stalking toward him and staring into his darkening lust-filled eyes.