Page 13 of Until Beckett

“About that—” I began as she quickly ran her hand through her loose curls before pointing for me to take a seat in front of her with a perfectly red-painted manicured nail. “I need to talk to you about that. As you’re aware, my best friend, Corey Templeton—”

“Ah yes. As you know, I’ve been very considerate to Mr. Templeton’s situation,” she said, before glancing quickly at her watch as if counting down the precious seconds of hers I was using. “Isabella was a wonderful soul. It was such a tragedy what happened to her, and so sudden and unexpected, especially leaving behind that young child.” She continued, “I know you’ve been a great help in their lives lately, but I’m glad things are more settled and the children will have the support of you back here at Little Whittle Primary School very soon.”

“It’s just that something has happened with Corey and I need to head out of the area—” I started as she held up her hand.

“As long as you’re back on Wednesday at the ring of that bell, then it’s no concern of mine where you’ll be,” she stated in a direct, no-bullshit tone. “We have an agreement in place.”

“I know we do, but I have to do this. Corey and Mila—”

“I’m going to stop you there.” She raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at me. “I’m sorry if I’m not making myself clear here, but this is your career and I’m your employer, and I require you to be here Wednesday,” she said matter-of-factly. “If you can’t be here, then I will take it as a breach of the terms of your contract and therefore terminate your employment. After all, this isn’t the first time we’ve had an issue with you.”

I thought back to the previous mishaps and issues I’d had working here and the petty reasons—in my eyes—for being pulled into the office. I get that there are rules, but a slight bending of them had to happen at times. I know she did the same, but because an example had to be set at the time, I was the guy to get the slapped wrist.

“Then consider this my resignation,” I said with a certainty and finality to my tone as I pushed myself away from her desk and braced myself to stand. “Corey is more important than this job… so is Mila. They both need me so much more than I need to be here.” I fought to hold my anger in, knowing that everything I’d ever worked for was disappearing at this moment.

The thing was, I’d do absolutely anything for that man and his girl because it was important for him to know how much he meant to me. That in my world, he was my number one priority.

Jobs could come and go… but there was only one him. Only one princess.

If he didn’t want me, then that was his decision, but I could hold my head high and say I’d done everything in my power to show him the true feelings I held for him.

“I’d advise you to reconsider your actions, Mr. Kingston,” Miss Jolson rambled out as she quickly followed behind me as I headed toward the door, her heels tapping away on the tiled floor in a hurried motion to keep up with my pace. “We could look at—”

“You made everything perfectly clear to me,Hadley,” I replied, emphasizing her first name, rather than her full name as I once would have done in this environment only a few moments earlier. “I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but—” I dipped my head as I opened the door. “I really hope you get a chance to re-evaluate what happened here. I get you have a job to do. I was going to ask for a few days, but you didn’t allow me to even get my words out,” I said softly. “If you can’t listen to me, how are you supposed to be the person to shape the minds of our youth?”

She gasped at my departing words as I headed out of the small school that had been my second home for the last few years and stopped at the desk of the gobsmacked, open-mouthed Bella.

“Just a heads-up, I’d start writing up a post for a replacement for my position for an immediate start. See you later.” I smiled widely before heading straight for the exit and swinging open the double doors and allowing the breeze to immediately encase me.

Now I just had to go and find Corey and Mila and bring them back to where they belonged.



I should have guessed a few beers with Asher and Nico wouldn’t be the end of it. As they say, the night is young and all that jazz…

“Come on, man, we could go to Mamma’s Country for just one and then call it a night,” Nico pleaded, glancing over his shoulder at his brother to back him up on his mission of persuasion. “It’s been one of those days and I can tell Sophie—”

“Basically, you’re his fucking get out clause to his woman.” Asher patted him on the shoulder as I took a swig of my beer, deep in thought. “He can say you’re back in town for a few days and how could he refuse not to have a beer or three after work.”

I shook my head at the duo, realizing I couldn’t even use Mila as an excuse for not going. Since that damn tooth had cut through her gums, she’d gone back to the angelic princess I knew so well and was out for the count, snoring her little head off.

“You three are impossible,” November chuckled as she started pushing Nico and Asher toward the front door, taking a quick glance back at me to ensure I was following along behind. “Nico, you know Sophie wouldn’t care if you had a drink after a long day, as long as it’s not a full night’s drinking session.” She let go of the guys, who grinned at the feisty woman in front of them, before she turned to face her beloved as he beckoned her closer to him by curling his finger in a provocative manner. “And you.” She inched forward toward him. “Go and catch up with your friend. I’m sure Corey has a lot on his mind and the short break away from the little one will do him good.” She flitted her eyes to me as I started to slip my shoes on while Asher disregarded the two of us being here and pulled his woman into his arms and placed a chaste kiss to her lips.

“You know how much I love you, don’t you?” Asher uttered as he glanced deeply into her eyes before toying with a loose strand of hair that had fallen over her cheek.

“I do. Just as much as I love you,” she replied as he tucked the loose strand gently behind her ear. “Now, go and have fun. The kids will be fine. I’ll call if I need you.”

“You better,” I stated fiercely as Asher just rolled his eyes at me.

“So fiercely protective already. The dad club doesn’t get easier, man, trust me.” Asher placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed, glancing over at November as she wrapped her arms around her body, watching us. “I haven’t told you enough today, but I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Asher. Have fun.” She smirked as the three of us finally made our way out of Asher’s place and made our way to Mamma’s Country.

I knew this wasn’t just about going for a drink. The question was, how long were they going to draw out the charade until the intervention began?

* * *