All the while he debated, Mathieu waited as if he had all the time in the world. As if the only thing that mattered was Win’s response. He’d always been patient, one of his many positive attributes. With his body still throbbing from the aftermath of their lovemaking, Win didn’t like the distance between them. He didn’t like the uncertainty that had him second-guessing shit.

If he was doing this, then he was doing it all the way. He wouldn’t have gotten into that bed with Mathieu if the decision hadn’t already been made somewhere deep inside him. Win’s heart knew. It was just his head that took a while to catch up.

He took Mathieu’s hand.

Mathieu’s jaw ticked and his nostrils flared when he inhaled deeply. He laced their fingers, tightening his grip on Win and pulling him forward into his chest. Win went, tipping his head back to gaze up at the other man.

“I trust you.” He did. The rightness of it seeped into his bones, turning them almost liquid with relief. Being in that bedroom was an act of trust. Being in Mathieu’s arms again was an act of trust. Mathieu just needed him to speak on it. He needed to hear it, and Win would give him that. He pressed his free hand to Mathieu’s chest. “I trust you.”

Mathieu cupped his jaw, emotion darkening his eyes even more. His fingers trembled against Win’s chin and he dipped his head, bringing their foreheads together. “Thank you,” he rasped. “I will never make you regret it.” His lips brushed Win’s. “Never again.”

Maybe he was an idiot, maybe he was a sucker for all things Mathieu Pascal, but Win believed him. He sighed, burrowing deeper into that embrace. Mathieu’s heart beat steadily against his palm and Win couldn’t help the small smile. This was all so familiar, so comforting, when it’d been anything but at one time. But he wasn’t going to dwell on the past or the things he couldn’t change.

No longer.

Mathieu stepped back first after heaving a sigh, continuing to hold on to Win’s hand. “Let’s do this.”

Together, they left the bedroom and made their way down to Mathieu’s office.

A young man waited for them when they stepped inside.

Gorgeous. Skinny. Dressed in black jeans and a white stretchy top with a deep v-neck that exposed his smooth chest. His lips and eyelids shimmered with glossy color. He shot up from his chair when he spotted Mathieu, only to stop short when he noticed Win and Mathieu holding hands.

“Roe.” There was no warmth in that greeting. No welcome.

Win heard it and Roe heard it too because he flinched, throat working when he swallowed.

“Um. I know you and I are over…”

They were? Why hadn’t Mathieu shared that with Win?

Roe glanced at Win then back to Mathieu. “When I came home from the gym, a man was waiting for me in my condo. His face was covered so I couldn’t see who he was.” He licked his lips, clasping his hands together, and it was then Win noticed the younger man’s tremors. “Um. He—uh.” His throat worked. “He held a gun to my head—” His voice cracked but he kept going, “He wanted me to give you a message.” His lips twitched. “Guess he didn’t know you’d cut me loose.”

Apparently nobody knew.

“What’s the message?” Mathieu asked.

Roe held out his hand. A small black USB stick was nestled in his palm. “He said you’ll find all the evidence you need on it. The password is supposed to be the name of the person most precious to you?” Despite his obvious nerves, his voice held a question that Mathieu ignored.

Mathieu took the USB and released Win’s hand, rounding his desk and turning on the laptop that sat there. While the laptop powered on, he picked up the phone on his desk and muttered into it. A few seconds later, the door opened and Jason entered.

“Roe, Jason will take you home. I suggest you pack a bag and get out of town for a while.” Mathieu didn’t look up as he tapped some keys and when a ding sounded, indicating he’d gotten into the file, he smiled. Win watched him closely so he saw when that smile dropped off and his jaw tightened.

“What is it?” Win went to him, leaning over him to watch the screen.

It was a video. Shaky, but clear enough to make out some familiar faces, six in total. One of them was Cesar. The other was Jairo. The others, Win didn’t recognize them but it was clear Mathieu did. They sat at what looked like a picnic table in somebody’s backyard; Win made out a white picket fence.

What the fuck?

He glanced up. Roe was still there, standing in the middle of the room, staring at Mathieu as if waiting for something. Win almost felt sorry for the younger man. “Uh, Roe. Thank you for coming by.” Win nodded to Jason. “Take him.”

Roe met Win’s gaze, eyes filled with understanding and reluctant acceptance. Then he turned and preceded Jason out of the room. Once the door closed behind them, Win returned his attention to Mathieu.

“What’s going on?”

Mathieu hit play on the video, popping it out into full screen and turning up the volume.

“Then what’s the plan?”someone asked.“We’re either in this as a unit or we’re not. We can’t move forward otherwise. The Haitians are too powerful.”