Page 84 of Learning to Walk

I thought that was a reasonable question, but Cash groaned, rubbing his hands over his face and sighing as Bates giggled. “I’m not scared of your penis.”

Could’ve fooled me…and I didn’t miss the way he ignored several important topics.

“It’s okay. Not everyone is comfortable with them.” People came in lots of varieties. “Did you know I met a couple on campus a few weeks ago who are dating and boyfriends but they mostly don’t do penis things because one of them is asexual?”

As still as Cash went, I realized I probably hadn’t mentioned it.

“I don’t think they do other stuff but it didn’t come up in conversation, so I don’t know.” They might’ve been interesting, though. “Hmm, do you think people who talk about penis stuff so easily are into something like this?”

Maybe I should find them and explain that there are other things they could do as boyfriends?

Bates mostly ignored Cash’s drama, just kissing the side of his head and shrugging. “I think it’s a good possibility. But it’s hard to know what people are into just with a quick conversation. Some people radiate out how special they are and other people are more camouflaged. It’s what makes life fun.”

I thought it was what made life confusing but to each their own.

“I’m not going to worry about that now, though. We’ve got a lot of other stuff on our list, like hoods and penises and things like that.” Looking away from the screen again, I focused on Bates. “You’re not worried about seeing my penis, are you?”

I didn’t think so, but it seemed polite to ask just in case we’d rushed him before. “You can tell me if that’s on your limits list. I think it’s on Cash’s.”

Bates chuckled but shook his head. “Your penises are not on my limits list, so don’t worry about that. So far, nothing you’ve done would touch on anything on my list.”

That was good to know, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to ask what he didn’t want to do…it seemed like that could be slightly nerve-racking.

“Do you have a preference on hoods?” Going back to my phone as the pup on the computer barked and wiggled, I frowned. “There are a lot of options, but I kind of like the ones with the dark red accents. I’m supposed to have a preference on what my pup would look like, right? Is that something you decide?”

Doms seemed to have a lot of leeway when it came to all the things they could decide for their subs, so I wasn’t sure who picked out the clothes for a pup.

“I think you deciding what your pup side would look like makes the most sense, but if you need help, I’m sure Cashel and I would both be able to give you opinions.” Bates smiled as he volunteered Cash to talk about stuff that would make him squirm.

Doms were kind of wicked sometimes.

“Are there any colors or types you don’t like?” I didn’t have the disposable income to buy pup gear that either one of them hated and didn’t want to see me wearing.

Both of them were shaking their heads as I glanced over at them, so that made things easier, but didn’t give me a starting point. “Okay, should we try a harness tail first or the plug kind?”

There were a lot more decisions that needed to be made than just what color I would be, and they were going to help me narrow down at least a few of them or I’d never buy anything. “We can try one and then next month the other.”

As long as I spread it out, we could make it work.

Cash was squirming again but Bates reached over and paused the video so I looked over at him. He was giving me a curious look and finally shifted so he was sitting sideways on the bed. “Do you want to test it out slowly? There’s nothing wrong with that, but I want to make sure I know what’s going through your head.”

Probably smart…sometimes my head confused me too.

“It’s expensive.” Cash’s nod made me feel better about that. He was good with managing our money and I didn’t want to screw up the budget. “Cash handles the budget and stuff, but I think it would be easier to spread it out over a few months. He says we have to plan for things just in case my parents forget me again.”

Bates blinked but after a second slowly nodded. “Okay, well, I think as your Dom it would be appropriate for me to buy the gear. That’s very common in a lot of BDSM relationships and I think you’ve even heard Jude talking about buying stuff for Brady. Like the toy conversation last week.”

“We really are way too loud.” Cash’s quiet drama made Bates grin, but his words didn’t tell me what he thought of Bates buying stuff.

Leaning closer, I hoped I wouldn’t sound like I was calling him a liar. “Um, is he allowed to do that or would it be rude? I don’t know the manners stuff for this.”

Brady’s mom said knowing all about manners was very important.

Cash shrugged and thought about it as Bates smiled, waiting patiently…he was really good at that. “I can see the logic either way, but I don’t think it would be rude to let him pay for it as long as he has the money. I’m also not sure he wants to wait to stretch out the…the hands-on research for this over several months.”

Good point.

Bates’s smile widened and he gave Cash a quick kiss. “You’re very smart. My patience could not wait several months to figure out if he liked wagging his tail.”