Page 43 of Learning to Walk

“He’s going to think we’re insane.” Because Bates was smart and understood our behavior was questionable at best.

Gareth shrugged, not worried at all as he carried his pillow and sleepover essentials down the stairs. “We’re being thoughtful. He’s going to appreciate us more.”

Um, no.

“We’re showing up at his door and…God, Gareth…” I just couldn’t finish the sentence.

Mostly because one of the other guys in the building was walking up the stairs and doing his best not to stare.


I wasn’t going to explain why we were dressed in our pajamas looking like we were heading to a sleepover.

Gareth just waved.


Someone needed to shoot me…how had I agreed to this nonsense?

“You worry too much. I’m starting to realize that’s why you need a Dom.” Gareth’s helpful response had coughing coming from behind us. I refused to look and see what the guy was doing but it probably involved barely suppressed laughter.

“You’re…” He was going to give me a heart attack one day.

“Helpful.” Gareth reached out and took my hand as we made it down to the bottom floor and dragged me around the corner to Bates’s apartment. “Come on. I’m tired.”

And horny.

What were we doing?

Before I could figure that out…or at least what to say to Bates…Gareth knocked on the door like it was no big deal we were showing up for an unplanned sleepover. “He’s got a safeword.”

He seemed to think that would make everything fine, and I couldn’t decide if he was right or delusional.


“I think we should—” Shit.

Before I could try one more time to explain to Gareth that we were going to drive Bates nuts, the door opened and our slightly confused-looking Dom smiled at us. “You guys are the best.”

Taking in the sight of us in our pajamas and Gareth with his pillow tucked under his arm, Bates smiled. “Sleepover?”

Gareth beamed at him. “I knew you’d understand. We decided you should be included in all our firsts because we’re dating you too and the first time we listened to each other come seemed important.”

Bates cocked his head, thoughtfully entertaining the insanity. “I can see how you came to that conclusion, but is Cashel here of his own free will?”

Bates really was smart.

Gareth wasn’t worried, though. “He didn’t safeword.”

Once he learned something it stuck.

Bates’s smile got even wider, but somehow, he managed not to laugh. “All right, but does Brady know where you are?”

Yep, smart.

“We left a note on the table.” Gareth gave him another bright smile, clearly delighted at having guessed what our new Dom would say. “You can safeword. I didn’t think you’d mind, though. But Cash was kind of worried we’d be a pest.”

“Never.” Bates stepped closer and gave Gareth a quick peck before turning to me. “I don’t know how I didn’t think of that problem earlier. But this fixes it.”