Page 30 of Learning to Walk

“Okay.” Hmm, that made me think of another question I had to ask Cash. “Oh, while we’re working on stuff…what’s your opinion on first dates and doing more than kissing? Are you okay if I’m ablow job on the first datekind of guy?”

Bates was doing a great job of not laughing…but on the other hand, Cash giggled again. “Gareth. God.”

I shrugged since he wasn’t pissed at me. “It’s a good question.”

Bates’s faint nod said he thought it was a good idea too.

I loved supportive dates…Doms? Whatever he was.

Cash was shaking his head against Bates’s shoulder but didn’t take too long to answer. “I think I’m flexible on that as long as I really like the date…dates…whatever. I think I’m more flexible than we thought.”

“And we know his name now.” What else would Brady’s mom say was important? “He’s really nice and I want a second date…with both of you. So, yeah, I think that covers the important stuff.”

“Yeah, she said we’d know when we met our special someone.” Cash finally turned his head and peeked over at me. “Do you think she knew we’d have the same special someone?”

“I think she’s got too many other things to worry about, so as long as we tell her we’re safe and happy, it won’t matter.” Every time we turned around, she had another grandkid or someone was getting married, so as long as we didn’t need help, she’d be fine.

“Good point.” Once Cash realized I was right, he nodded and we both turned to Bates who was still looking very pleased and kind of giggly.

“What do you think?” Yep, he needed something besides his name…maybe some kind of nickname until we got his title figured out?

“I think you’re adorable.” He beamed as he gave us both quick kisses before settling back in his chair again. “I also think you have amazing logic when it comes to first-date plans. I’m definitely not opposed to some erection exploration, but don’t forget, our focus was getting to know each other so that you’d feel safe being spanked.”

Oh, right.

“I do.” What did I do? “I mean, I feel safe with you and I’m starting to understand more about the spanking thing, but there are lots of ways to get to know you, and I’m still not sure if that savoring us comment meant I was getting spanked tonight or not.”

Bates got his thinking face on and slowly nodded. “Those are very good points.”

I liked that he wasn’t rushing but that kind of made me think about the savoring comment, so I wasn’t surprised when he shook his head. “No spankings tonight. I want to give you time to come up with more questions and for both of you to process our first date before either of you gets naked.”

Hmm, not a bad idea really.

It was kind of unfortunate, though.

“But you getting naked would be alright?” We all said we were okay with kisses on the first date, but had we actually specifiedwherethose kisses would be placed? “That’s not us getting naked and worried.”

So it should be fine.


I peeked back at Cash to see him studying me like I was that stupid spider. “What?”

“You want to go…do…I mean…him?”

Was that a surprise still?

I knew I was missing something, so I tried to guess what he was worried about. “I’ll share. We can do it together. Then you won’t be left out and no one’s mouth will get tired.”

I thought it was a pretty good plan, but Cash crashed his head back into Bates’s shoulder. “God.”

He was so dramatic.

But Bates seemed to like it based on how big his grin got. It seemed to be a Dom thing, though, because Jude liked it when Brady got dramatic too. I wasn’t a Dom, so I just ignored it. I wasn’t going to reward bad behavior just because he was cute.

“I’ll go first so you don’t have to.” Performance anxiety was probably part of the problem since all it took was one tug on his arm and he wiggled down to the floor with me.

Yep, he just hadn’t wanted to go first.