Page 29 of Learning to Walk

There seemed to be a lot of rules that no one had mentioned yet, but Bates was the funny, patient type of Dom and didn’t seem to be easily offended.

“Well, all I can do is answer that from my perspective, so this might not be right for Jude, but I think it’s going to be close.” Bates’s hand stroked down over my ass, barely petting the place he’d spanked before. “I like giving my partner pleasure. I like seeing my partner submit, and I like seeing my marks on a sub.”

As I thought about that, he squeezed my ass and chased out most of the logical bits that had accumulated. “I’d love seeing you submit so completely to me and give yourself to me. I’d love seeing you cuddled up to Cash, nervous and sexy. I’d love seeing the way my hand decorated your ass and the way you squirmed as the pleasure built, and I’d love to see you orgasm.”

His answers were always thorough, but sometimes that made me want to squirm because he said things to me no one else ever had before.

“You might be humping the bed or you might be draped over Cash and get off against his body.” Bates made another thinking sound, like planning out the options was perfectly reasonable. “We could sit opposite from each other and you could lie across both our laps. That way I could spank you and you could hump his lap while he held you.”

Bates gave my ass the lightest pat while he thought again and it made the fantasy seem even more real. “We could also do it so you were facing Cash on your side but that might be a bit harder to get the right leverage. I’ll have to think about the mechanics of that one.”

He had a good imagination.

And was a really good planner.

Were all Doms planners?

Pushing the thoughts of Jude out of my head since it didn’t seem like a discussion he belonged in, I looked over at Cash who was still wide-eyed and quiet. “What do you think?”

Cash swallowed and his brain had either stopped or was going too fast because it took him a few seconds to answer. “I…I think I like the holding you on our side option best but Bates is probably right. That might not be practical. So… So you should be stretched out over our laps? Then I could hold you?”

“And you wouldn’t worry as much if you could see everything up close.” For some reason that made Cash grin.

“Oh yeah, I’d see everything up close.”

His comment made Bates giggle like a kid, but we both got more head kisses, so I didn’t mind. “Just imagining you two like that is making me hard, but it’s also so romantic I just want to hug you tight.”

He gave us both a big hug, squishing us against his body and closer together, but it made me wonder if he was going to do anything about the hard comment.

He didn’t.

I must’ve looked frustrated with that part because Cash giggled again, making me frown. “I’m being patient. Stop that.”

It didn’t help his giggles.

“Hmm, is my curious boy wondering about something?” Bates’s fingers danced up my spine, sending a shiver through me. “What were you thinking?”

Bates had talked about communication enough that not answering never occurred to me. The words just popped out as the wonderful sensation swept through me. “About your cock and if you were hard and if talking about your erection meant you wanted us to do something with it.”

Cash was back to burying his face against Bates, and I couldn’t decide if he was sighing or trying not to laugh. But Bates just gave me a squeeze and made a low, sexy hum, so I didn’t worry about it. “You put the best ideas in my head. You’re such a curious little cat.”

I wasn’t sure that was a good thing considering curiosity was supposedly what killed that cat, but Bates looked sexy as he smiled at me, so I didn’t point it out. “I like not having to worry about what I tell you.”

That had something sweet sparking in his eyes and he pulled me closer to give me a soft kiss. “I always want to hear what both of you are thinking, but I love how inquisitive you are and how you want to understand so much.”

He was really nice…but he was also kind of distracting because I still didn’t know if he wanted us to do something with his cock. We’d talked about getting to know one another and about exploring my spanking questions…but there was other stuff we should probably explore.

“I want to understand you too.” And part of that was if there was something I was supposed to call him. Brady called Jude Daddy more than he actually used his real name. That had to mean there was something Bates should be called.

I was starting to wish I’d done as much research as Cash.


As Bates smiled and studied me, I inched closer to Cash. “Are we supposed to call him something other than his name? Brady calls Jude Daddy all the time.”

Bates’s smile turned into a sexy grin, but he didn’t interrupt my question. Cash probably would’ve appreciated it if he had, but he didn’t get too dramatic. “Yeah, there are options, but I’m pretty sure we should figure out more about the submission stuff before we settle on a title…and Bates probably has a preference too.”

Good point.