Page 23 of Learning to Walk


Gareth had been right.

My brain had slowed down and the only thing it could focus on was how warm and solid Gareth felt next to me and the softness of Bates’s lips. Even as they moved against mine, I thought it couldn’t get any better until Bates nibbled on my lower lip and Gareth slipped his hand in mine.

The sparks that showered through me said it could get better…and a little voice in the back of my head couldn’t help wondering how much better it could get if we had a bit more privacy. But I pushed those dirty thoughts away to stay in the moment and feel their bodies around me.

Incredible…and it just kept getting better.

As Bates’s tongue slipped between my lips and caressed mine, it wasn’t until Gareth chuckled that I heard myself moan. It was the best kiss ever, so I wasn’t embarrassed, but hearing Gareth’s pleasure did a number on things a lot lower than my lips.

He liked seeing Bates kiss me?

Bates eased back, something knowing in his eyes as he glanced between us. “So cute.”

I found myself blushing and I wanted to squirm and hide…either against Bates or in the kitchen…and everything in my head got even more confused when Gareth leaned over and rested his chin on my shoulder. “You liked that.”


But what did he mean?

“He’s a good kisser.” Sticking with the most obvious facts made figuring out a response easier. “Do you want a turn?”

Fair was fair, after all.

Gareth nodded as he straightened, but he made me question what he was thinking when he looked around the parking lot and frowned. “But inside. I’m hoping for at least PG-13 and I’d rather not have to explain that to some of the neighbors.”

Good point.


What made a kiss PG-13?

What made a kiss rated R?

Had mine been G?

Bates’s wicked chuckle sent a shiver through both of us and said he didn’t mind Gareth’s request. “You have the best ideas. Come on.”

Taking both our hands, he led us over to his apartment, not worried about anyone seeing us. It was nice and unnerving at the same time. He’d gone out with both of us. Shouldn’t he be at least a bit nervous about what people would think?

That thought stayed at the front of my mind until he finally released our hands so he could dig out his keys and let us into his apartment. Then I started obsessing about Gareth’s kiss again because it seemed to be the most important topic since we had privacy.

What were they going to do?

Why did Gareth think it was okay for me to be there?

What was I supposed to do while they kissed?

The list of questions could’ve just kept going, but Bates answered several of them in one go as he pulled us over to an oversized, overstuffed chair that seemed more like a chair-and-a-half and pulled us both down to sit on his lap.

We were all squished in together, half on his lap and half on the soft leather chair, but Gareth didn’t seem to mind either. Bates clearly loved it because he was doing his wicked, ear-to-ear grin. “I knew this would be perfect.”

As I wondered how long he’d been thinking about it, Gareth nodded and wiggled closer so he was pressed against Bates’s chest and his legs were tucked between mine. “Yes, I like that we fit together.”

And I was back to wondering if he realized how that’d sounded as well.

Bates’s grin said he was hearing it just as dirty as I was, but he always knew the right thing to say. “We’re going to keep it fair and not leave anyone out. Don’t worry.”