Page 2 of Learning to Walk

Frowning up at their apartment, I glanced down at mine and sighed. “Work or play?”

The answer seemed obvious so I bounded up the stairs, not worrying about appearing insane. I was the least nutty person in the building and they probably wouldn’t even realize how strange it was, anyway.

Besides, no matter what, it would be more fun than studying.

I probably should’ve come to my senses by the time I got to their door, but I hadn’t, so I knocked and gave them a bigI’m not a creepsmile as the cutie I thought was Gareth opened the door. Just eavesdropping hadn’t really given me a clear picture of which insane cutie was which, but I thought I had it right.

“Hey, I’m from downstairs?” When the tall, almost blond guy just blinked, I widened my smile. “I was cheering Brady on when he was figuring things out with his Daddy?”

Yep, that had his eyes widening.

I had the best neighbors, so I had to cheer them on when they finally got what they wanted. Just because Brady’s wish list had been a bit interesting hadn’t bothered me. He’d found his Daddy and he was enthusiastic about getting spanked and cuddled.

“Um…” Gareth swallowed and nodded slowly, looking a bit like a confused surfer dude from a movie. “Thank you for being supportive? He’s very happy.”

So cute.

“You’re welcome.” Before I could say anything else, he turned his head. “Cash? A neighbor is here.”

He needed reinforcements?


Was I scary or weird?

Giving myself props for guessing the right name with the right neighbor, I waited patiently as Gareth frowned and Cash came to the door.

“Um, hi.” The dark-haired one was shorter and watching me like I was trying to sell them Tupperware or Jesus, and he gave Gareth a curious look that had the cutie who’d opened the door shrugging.

Were they dating?

They had the silent shorthand thing down pat because Cash turned to me and just knew he was supposed to take charge. “Were we being too loud?”

Sadly, no.

Gareth leaned in and whispered. “He’s the neighbor who was excited for Brady.”

“Oh.” Cash looked at Gareth and they exchanged another silent message before turning to me. “He was glad you were happy for him.”

That seemed to be all they knew what to say. I had a feeling it was probably because Brady’s Daddy had given them more than a few lectures on boundaries.

Hmm, probably another reason they weren’t asking nearly enough questions.

Deciding to charge right in since small talk didn’t seem to be their strong suit, I treated it like it was any other conversation two neighbors might have.

I was offering to help. That was all.

“I heard that you guys might have some questions about kinks and BDSM and Brady’s love of spankings.” When all that got was matching blinks, I kept going…silence was not a safeword. “He seems to think it would be bad manners to ask what you’re into or if you have questions. I think that’s just silly, but Brady seemed firm about it, so I thought I’d see if you needed help.”

When they didn’t slam the door in my face, I thought we’d made progress.

Hmm, another silent conversation.

They were so cute together and something about their mismatched looks made them even more adorable.

“At the very least, he and his Daddy are open to answering questions, but Brady thinks it’s bad manners.” I shrugged. “I heard them on the stairs and he had some logic about bugs and Jesus that I just couldn’t follow.”

That had them both letting out matching sighs and I couldn’t resist smiling.