Page 23 of Wolf Laws

My eyes open. I hadn’t even realized they’d closed, and I stare down at her. Head thrown back. Hair spread out behind her. An expression of ecstasy on her face.She’s perfect.

Her muscles squeeze me tighter. She gasps, and her eyes fly open. Her orgasm hits her so hard that she begins chanting my name, her voice shocked and husky all at the same time.

My cock takes her deeper with every thrust, and as her muscles continue squeezing around me, I come. Hard. So hard it’s almost painful. So hard that my brain can’t seem to process just how good it feels.

And I watch her.Feelher. Her orgasm, the knowledge of her pleasure, building my own.

Each pump is pleasure so intense that she’ll be dripping with my cum when she’d done.It’s so good that I’m groaning, lost to the sensation of her around me. Coming with her… it’s unlike coming with anyone else.

I collapse, feeling content, body and soul.

She holds me close. “Max, that was…”

“Yeah,” I stroke her hair, kiss her lightly.

We shift on the bed until I’m behind her. She pulls my arms tight around her body and snuggles in. I don’t say anything. There are no words. I just lay still as her breathing slows and sleep sweeps her under once more.

My thoughts run away with me.Is Asha my mate? It shouldn’t be possible… she’s a half-breed. And yet, that’s how this feels.

Our situation is complicated. More than complicated.How am I going to be a good leader if I let this obsession with her grow?I smirk, looking down at her.I think that ship has sailed.

When Braxton appears in the doorway between our rooms, the muffled sound of his footsteps draws my attention, pulling me from my thoughts. Trouble sits patiently beside him, the dog’s nub of a tail scrubbing at the carpet. Braxton nods towards the window, outside. I raise a finger, indicating I’ll be out in a minute. Braxton and Trouble slip away and I turn back to Asha.

Air streams through the small parting of her lips. Two strands of her white-blonde hair are draped over her mouth, dancing wildly with every exhalation. Relaxed, I take the opportunity to better appreciate her beauty, even though I feel the minutes ticking. As dawn light fills the room, the softness of her features strikes me, as though this quality was hidden before now.

Fuck. In musing about Asha, I discover a tender region of my heart activated by her presence. It’s larger than a soft spot, verging on full-blown affection. I haven’t felt this at ease with a woman in years.

Which immediately puts me on edge.

I feel my wolf pace in anxious frustration. Reflecting on his state over the previous days, I recall instances of agitation whenever Orson looked at Asha, made her smile, laugh, even returned eye contact. I’m feeling primally territorial over a woman.

That’s way more involved than I wanted.How involved did you want to be?None seems the obvious answer, which was why I didn’t want to get saddled with this mission in the first place. I prefer a solitary approach to my work. It’s complication free, which is vital in matters of life and death. An Enforcer’s job requires putting oneself in potentially fatal danger constantly. In an Enforcer’s mind, they must already resign themselves to death. It’s the only way to do this work.

So, having not one, but two reminders, why life’s worth living — my brother and now Asha — makes every situation we enter trickier to navigate. It’s tougher to see through the haze of emotional attachments.God forbid I start giving a shit about Orson.

Asha sighs in her sleep and I feel that tender spot ache again.

When the time came, I planned on selecting a mate better suited for my job. I envisioned a woman who would create a warm, loving environment for the two of us. And when I hung up my spurs, I would disappear into the life she created. We would bring children into that life, untouched by the malice and cruelty in the world, the ugliness I deal with as an Enforcer. We would raise a family, safe and sequestered from violence.

An upbringing I never had…

Asha is about as far from that ideal, uncomplicated woman as I can imagine. Sure, maybe I’ve been naive, but I don’t think this was what I should have expected. Tripping down love’s slippery slope into a romance beset by savagery shouldn’t be the only option.

She makes a little noise while resettling her head on the pillow. Guilt seeps into my thoughts. What sort of man am I for her?

Cautiously, so as not to rouse her, I slip my arm out from under Asha. I stand beside the bed and observe her a moment longer, pleased I haven’t disrupted her sleep.

Quietly, I dress and step outside, easing the door shut behind me. The sun peeks above the horizon like a perfectly round, yellow-white hill. The predawn sky clings to night at its western fringe, but the stars have gone, and morning’s blue light filters down from the bruised firmament, casting the desert in subdued tones. Dulls the environment’s sharp edge. Robs the dry waste of its threat.

“You’re waxing poetic in your head right now, aren’t you?” teases Braxton.

“Fuck off.”

“It's the damn effect of a woman's touch,” but he says it in a teasing note that irritates the crap out of me.

“She makes me crazy,” I admit grumpily.

Braxton laughs, then launches Trouble’s chewed up tennis ball across the dusty landscape. The dog shoots after it.