Page 88 of Fighting Her Wolves

“What if I don’t make it through the change?” I ask desperately.

“That almost rarely happens.” Harmony waves my concern off.

“Almost?” I growl.

“I mean, it could happen,” Serenity says.

“Shut up. We’re supposed to be making her feel better,” Harmony hisses.

“I’m not sure we’re doing that.” Marie cringes.

“If she wants to be with them, she has to change.” Harmony sucks on her straw. She is drinking tea since she is also pregnant.

“What if it’s too risky for her?” Penny asks.

“Love is worth the risk,” Harmony says stubbornly.

“Maybe for you. Maybe she doesn’t want to be with them that bad.” Penny opens a bag of chips.

“So, she would be fine if they slept with someone else?” Harmony asks, scowling.

“Sure. She could find some nice, boring, human man and live her normal, sad life with him.” Penny downs her drink.

“I was looking forward to having her in the family,” Harmony pouts.

“I don’t like how this conversation is going.” I glare at them.

“She won’t care if Kerian and River do all the dirty things they did to her, to someone else,” Penny states.

“Hey, wait a minute.” I sit down with my glass.

“Someone else, rubbing against them, touching them, tasting them. Yum,” Penny says with relish.

“Fuck that. If anyone is going to be with them, it’s me.” I stand up with my hands on my hips. “I made it through that fucking forest, killing a man, and my fucked-up childhood. I can make it through turning into a wolf,” I shout.

“Cool,” Penny stuffs chips in her mouth. “Can we talk details of the dirty stuff?”

“You said all that on purpose,” I accuse.

“Yeah, I have experience with friends that don’t know what’s best for them,” she explains, looking pointedly at Harmony.

“Hey,” Harmony says.

“You know it’s true,” Penny rolls her eyes.

“Thank you,” I sigh. I guess I needed the wake-up call. “You still don’t get any details.”

“I guarantee you'll be giving details by the end of the night,” she says, grinning evilly.

“We’ll see,” I murmur.

“So, when is it going to happen?” Marie asks hesitantly.

“I’m not sure. Everything happened so fast. I don’t even know what day it is.”

Serenity refills my drink.

“I say, the sooner, the better,” Harmony says.