Page 67 of Fighting Her Wolves

His hand flexes on my shoulder, bringing back to the present. “Yeah,” I startle.

“Are you alright?”

“I will be when we find our mate and get the fuck out of here,” I rasp.

“Do you need a minute?” Kerian asks solemnly. Understanding flashing in his eyes.

“I’m good.” I nod.

“I’ll go on my own. We can cover more ground that way,” Bash says. “If I find any sign of her, I’ll text you.”

“Alright, thanks. Be careful.” I offer my hand.

He disappears into the air. Shit, I wish we could do that.

“Let's go,” Kerian says.

We move quickly but quietly. Our eyes never stop scouting ahead. I rely on my senses, smelling the air for any shifters or hunters. I desperately hope to come across Ava’s cinnamon scent. She didn’t come this way, or I would smell her. We track in silence, letting the sounds of the woods be the only ones around us.

Kerian shifts his hand, his claws ready to slice. I never retracted mine. We don’t need a weapon when we have one built in. My wolf is itching to come out and join the search for our mate. He hovers just under my skin, ready to force the change if he finds our mate and knows I need the help.

We have a certain kind of language with our animals. We are them, and they are us, but we are also different. My wolf is dangerous. He’s vicious when those he claims are in danger. He’s the one with more control of our actions when I am shifted. We speak, but not with words, more in pictures and feelings. I shift my eyes entirely to my wolf’s; we both can see clearly. We both want our mate to see my wolf form. He’s already pushed his feelings of disapproval that she hasn't yet. He wants her to be ours in every way. He doesn’t understand why she hasn’t asked to be changed yet.

Kerian and I stop abruptly when we hear someone coming from in front of us. We step to the side, finding cover behind the trees.

“She has to be somewhere. She couldn’t have gotten out,” a man says.

“Doug said he found Phil passed out and tied up. He just came to. He said she used a dart gun on him, shot him in the ass, and covered him with leaves.” Kerian and I share a proud grin. “He’s never going to live it down. A woman got the jump on him. He was drunk, but still, it’s pathetic.”

“What did Gill say?” At my uncle's name, I lose the grin.

“He was pissed. He thought for sure his nephew would be here by now. He beat the shit out of Phil and called him a pussy for letting a little girl take him down.”

“We have to find her first. We can take her ourselves. We only have an hour until we have to check in, and I have a feeling Gill wants her for himself.”

“We can’t let him be the only one to play with her. Did you get a good look at her ass? I want to take a bite. Gill likes to sit at the check in point and direct, instead of getting his lazy ass out into the field.”

“Fuck, yeah. No one has seen her. If someone doesn’t get her soon, Gill might leave his comfy chair to look for her himself.” They laugh as they pass by us.

We don’t fuck around, fury coursing through our veins. We move fast behind them. We slit their throats before they can utter a sound. We kick them away in disgust. They didn’t deserve any mercy.

“Fifteen more,” Kerian growls.

“Kerian, if anyone touched her . . .” I shake my head, my wolf pounding in my skull. “We can’t let that happen.”

“We won’t,” he chokes.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. “James and Blue entered the shield.” I inform them of the number of hunters left. “They are following our trail and will veer off to search other areas.”

“Good, let's move.”

My neck itches at the memory of the collar I was forced to wear. My memories are battling with my will to keep them deep inside me. If I let them out, I will be consumed by them. I have to focus on the goal. Find Ava and kill them all. This time, we can’t let anyone escape.

I hold my hand up, signaling to Kerian to stop. I smell a bear. She’s female. Bears are naturally loud, but she is not even trying to be quiet. She stumbles in front of us. When she spots us, her eyes get wide, and she freezes. She is skinny and covered in blood and scabs.

“We’re here to help.” Kerian holds his hands out and speaks softly.

“Wolves,” she whispers. “At least my sense of smell still works.”