After a quick consultation with Audrey about the situation, everyone agreed to meet at a park close to the golf course with the big soccer field. If they were lucky, the dogs would still be in the area.

The witches agreed they’d help catch the dogs…ifNolan agreed to sign copies of his books for them.

Andpose for pictures with them.

Which was fine.

It was allfine.

But did they have to hang all over him?

And wrap their arms around his waist while snuggling super close for those pictures?

This was bullshit. Nolan washis.

Sky was trying not to grind his teeth together as he watched another woman bring over a stack of four books for Nolan to sign under a flickering lantern light. Two more were waiting for a chance to have their picture taken with him while talking about how cute he was. Like Nolan couldn’t hear them talking about him. Sky was standing fifty feet away andhecould fucking hear them.

There had to be a way he could convince Nolan to get a tattoo that said, “Belongs to Sky: HANDS OFF!”

He winced at that thought. Was that really so different from what Christoph Sandor had done with that stupid bite mark that wouldn’t heal?

A little different. Sky would at leastaskNolan to get the tattoo.

Though…a gold band on Nolan’s ring finger was another great way to proclaim to the world that his hot muffin was taken.

“God, I can smell the evil churning away in your brain.” Moon cackled next to him. “What are you plotting?”

“Not plotting. Wondering. Is three weeks too early to propose to someone?”

Moon sighed. “You and Nolan haven’t been dating for three weeks. It’s barely been three days.”

“But I saved him from a vampire stomping his sexy ass at Phoenix three weeks ago. That almost counts as a date.”

“There is no plane of existence where that counts as a date.”

“Vampires have been harassing him?” Audrey demanded from Sky’s left, and he nearly swore out loud. He hadn’t realized the witch had come to stand next to him. Fuck, there were witches everywhere. He wished that could be a good thing, but male-identifying witches had spent far too many centuries being hated by females. His poor brain was on overload.

And judging by Audrey’s hostile and possibly overprotective tone, things were about to get worse. The witches liked Nolan, and he didn’t want to think of them starting a war with the vampires in the name of avenging Nolan.

“He had a bad run-in with the former leader of the Sandor clan. Nolan is on great terms with the rest of the vampires, particularly the Variks. Everything is good,” Sky rushed to explain.

Audrey lifted one thick brow and stared down her nose at him for a silent second. “The Sandor leader…you take care of him?”

Sky nodded, while his mind skittered away from the memory. “Definitely. He will never trouble Nolan again. Same with the rest of the clan.”

Moon chuckled and rested his forearm on Sky’s right shoulder while leaning past him to talk to the witch. “Sandor is fucking toast. Sky summoned a minion to separate Christoph’s soul from his body and both got dragged to the underworld. Did it right in front of Sandor’s own clan! Ain’t no coming back from that.”

Audrey sniffed and offered a tiny nod. “Not bad.”

“Isn’t this fun?” Carol laughed as she walked over with a pair of drinks in her hands. “I didn’t know the boy witches could do magic and be useful. Seriously, I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire life.” She cackled and Sky lowered his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. Before he dropped his gaze, he noted that Audrey looked pained by her fellow witch’s comments.

He didn’t think Carol meant any harm. She was one of those sweet people who had zero filter between her brain and her mouth.

“Well, this boy witch appreciates you giving us a chance,” Moon said, sounding unperturbed by her comment.

“Here! You both need these!” She thrust the drinks at him and Moon. He had no choice but to accept it or risk wearing it.

“What’s this?” Sky lifted it to his nose and took a small sniff. It smelled like tequila.