His friends snickered and Sky threw them a glare, but the bastards didn’t even try to look away. The only thing they were missing was a damn bucket of popcorn. Those assholes were loving every second of this.

“Nolan, please. I can’t…I can’t lose you. With all this magic and the underworld, not to mention the vampires and shifters…it’s dangerous.”

“Honey, I get that your life is dangerous. You know what?Lifeis dangerous. A vampire used me as a fucking Capri Sun before we started talking. But I’m not walking away from this. Shit happens. You either hide under your bed and stop living, or you learn from it and move on. I’d rather learn from it, because my life is a hell of a lot better with you in it.” Nolan reached out and tapped his forehead where he smacked him earlier. “And tonight I learned, ‘Don’t stand in front of a dandy dog when they panic. You’re gonna get hurt.’”

“He’s a smart guy, Sky,” Moon called out.

“Face it, Sky, what are your options? You hold out for another gay necromancer and pray he’s half as interesting as the guy you’ve got in front of you?” Red snorted. “Man, your luck ain’t that good.”

Sky huffed and scowled at the front of Nolan’s filthy shirt, splattered with blood. He hated when they were right. This just…it just sucked.

“Don’t pout, baby. I promise to be more careful. You won’t lose me anytime soon.” Nolan opened his arms, beckoning Sky in for a hug.

He wanted to launch himself at Nolan, but the poor man was still healing. After scooting closer, Sky gently wrapped his arms around Nolan’s waist and rested his head right over his beating heart. His eyes fell shut, and he soaked in that sound, the feel of the pounding under his cheek.Nolan was alive. Nolan was strong. It was going to be okay.

“You’re getting liberal with those ‘honeys’ and ‘babies,’” Sky mumbled into his chest.

Nolan shook with silent laughter. “Is it working?”


“I guess I need to keep doing it.”

“Well, now that we’ve settled that you’re not breaking up your relationship of two days,” Mad drawled.

“Fuck you,” Sky and Nolan said in unison.

The others snickered while Mad continued, “How the hell are we going to catch the other two dogs?”

“Are you sure you can’t call up a demon or two to wrangle them? This was their fault,” Moon argued.

“After meeting Zalramon, I gotta say that feels like we’re inviting more trouble than it’s worth,” Nolan countered.

Sky loathed releasing his man, but he needed to turn so he could brainstorm with his friends. “I agree with Nolan. The dogs are more than the minions can easily handle, and the demons…” Sky wrinkled his nose. “They are tricky assholes. We could be stuck with a situation where they capture the dandy dogs, but we can’t get rid of the demons.”

Red snorted. “Yeah, ’cause that’s all we need. Demons and the fae running wild in the city.”

Moon flopped onto the ground, his arms thrown out to the sides. “Ffuuuuuuccckkkk…I forgot about them. How many more days until they show up?”

“Four,” Maddox grumbled.

“Yep, way too late to move to Australia or Japan. Guess I have to stay here with you guys,” Moon replied with a heavy sigh.

Sky rubbed his forehead. “Can we focus? We need to get rid of the dogs. Do we try to set another trap? There’s at least one less now.”

“We need more firepower. The four of us are going to get eaten,” Red argued.

“Plus, I don’t know if they’d fall for more chicken,” Mad chimed in.

“Why don’t you call Audrey and gather all the other covens?” Nolan inquired. Sky swung around to gape at the man. Seriously? Call together all the covens to cast magic? That was insane. The other witches spent far too much time trying to think of ways to kill each other. They didn’t make magic together.

“What?” Nolan’s gaze jerked from Sky to sweep over the rest of them. Sky glanced at his friends to find them all wearing the same horrified expression. “They wanted this mess cleaned up. Why shouldn’t they help? And it’s like you said, no one wants demonsandthe fae running free in the city. They help get rid of the dogs, and they can all go back to prepping for Moving Day.” Nolan offered Sky a weak smile. “What’s the worst that can happen? They say no.”

Sky could imagine a lot worse happening with a hell of a lot of witches gathered, but Nolan was right. This was their best option.

“All right. I’ll give Audrey a call. See if she can help round up her posse.” He narrowed his eyes at Nolan and pointed a finger at him. “But you need to be prepared to sign more books.”

* * *