Maddox, Redstone, and even Moon met over at Sky’s place before sunset to make plans.

“I can’t believe you came back early,” Sky grumbled for the third time as he walked past Moon.

The blood witch chuckled. “And miss out on whatever insanity is happening here? No fucking way. Concerts are great and all, but this is more entertaining.”

“Shame you missed out on the pig and the shifters at your place,” Nolan added, making both Red and Sky groan.

Moon rested his arm on Nolan’s shoulder and grinned. “Mad has given me the highlights. I want thefullstory on that date after we catch these puppies.”

“Okay,” Sky interrupted, pointing one finger at Moon. “We’ve got to stop calling them puppies. I know they’re called dandy dogs, but that’s misleading. These are fierce, bloodthirsty hounds used for hunting and flushing out quarry. They are dogs that belong todemons.”

“And they are one of the few creatures to have been loaned to the fae for their antics,” Maddox added.

Moon straightened and held up both of his hands as if to ward off their warnings. “We got it. We’ll be serious. Nobody is getting gnawed on or dragged off to the bushes to be eaten.”

Sky narrowed his eyes at his friend as if he were considering feeding him to his minions. Nolan stepped in and wrapped his arm across Sky’s shoulders, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “We’ve got this. You don’t have to worry. Have we narrowed down where they are likely to be?”

“Green Hills Golf Course,” Red announced, turning all their eyes over to where he was standing next to a large map of the area spread across the kitchen table.

Nolan, Sky, Moon, and Maddox hurried over to circle the kitchen table where Red and Sky had worked together on a seeking spell. Nolan didn’t understand what he was seeing. All he knew was that Sky had infused one of Red’s crystals with his dead magic. They were using the crystal to track the most powerful source of dead magic running around the area.

“With Zalramon closing the leak, we don’t have to worry about the dead climbing out of their graves tonight, right?” Nolan inquired.

Sky looked up and offered a half smile, half frown as he wobbled one hand from side to side. “Probably not. The citywide jolt the dead enjoyed last night came from all the energy the dogs dragged from the underworld with them. A lot of that should be dissipated now.”

“Wow. It sounds like there’s a ‘but’ attached to that statement,” Mad mocked.

Sky flipped him off before turning his attention to Nolan. “The dead should remain in their graves unless the dogs run through the graveyard. Their energy could stir up the corpses.” His head snapped to Mad and glared. “But! It won’t be a citywide problem.”

Red shifted the map under the crystal they had dangling over the creased piece of paper. It appeared as if he were trying to home in on the dogs’ exact location, but there was only so much you do could with paper.

“Yep, the golf course. I wonder what they found that’s interesting there,” Red mumbled.

Nolan leaned closer, studying the markings. “I don’t golf, but it looks like a lot of trees surround that area. You think the dogs are hunting something like deer or a fox?”

“I really hope it’s a fox or a deer,” Mad muttered.

Zalramon seemed mostly confident that the dogs wouldn’t bother humans. However, it would be smarter if they got them captured and sent to the underworld as soon as possible.

“Let’s get going. I’ve got my bag packed. We can take two cars and meet here.” Sky pressed his finger to an intersection in a subdivision built on the other side of the forest at the back of the golf course. Since it wasn’t likely they’d be allowed onto the course at this hour—or probably any hour—they would sneak through the woods to get to the dogs.

Their plans settled, the witches grabbed their bags of spell ingredients and goodies and headed out to their cars. Nolan offered to drive Sky in his car, as it gave the necromancer the chance to focus on the dogs and magic rather than the road.

“Sky, question,” Nolan said after they drove out of their neighborhood and headed across town to the golf course.

“Nolan, I’ll give you all the answers you could want. Especially if the answer is ‘I do.’”

He could only shake his head at the flirty man. Completely incorrigible. “Why don’t you summon up those two giant minions you used to scare off the vampires?”

“Kevin and Bob?”

“Walking buildings with chains and horns? Like sightseeing?”

Sky nodded. “Yes, that’s Kevin and Bob. They are an option, but not the most effective one. While they’re big, they’re also slow. They could capture a dog if it was unconscious or trapped. I’ve never dealt with dandy dogs myself, but from the stories I’ve heard, they’re fast.”

“And would run circles around Kevin and Bob.”

Sky grunted in agreement. “I don’t want to hurt Kevin’s and Bob’s feelings like that.”