“Other demons won’t be able to do that. You’d have to summon them,” Zal pressed on, sounding as if he were doing Sky a favor. It didn’t feel like it since it was the demon in front of him that was causing all the problems.

“Did your people track down what got out into our realm?” Nolan inquired.

That made Zal wince. This would not be good.

“Yes. A pack of three…dandy dogs.”

Sky squeezed his eyes shut, dropped his head back, and groaned.

“Dandy dogs? What’s that? Like hellhounds?” the sexy man beside him asked.

“No,” Sky whined. “Hellhounds would have been better.” He lifted his head and gazed at his companion with his adorably ruffled hair. “Dandy dogs are wild. They’re the basis for all those Wild Hunt stories.”

“When they broke out, they dragged some underworld energy with them. With the leak sealed, that shouldn’t be a problem anymore,” Zal continued. That meant there should be no more dead randomly crawling out of their graves.

Sky glared at the demon. “I’m going to guess the dogs are my problem, though.”

Zal grinned at him, flashing two rows of white, pointed teeth. “Would you rather I set loose a bunch of my demons to round them up?”

“No,” Sky moaned. Demons and dandy dogs loose in Hartford sounded like an enormous mess. He’d just find a way to handle it himself.

“Excellent.” Zal clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “I’ll leave the dogs to you. They shouldn’t go after any humans. Well…probably not.”

The demon disappeared from Sky’s bedroom in a puff of black smoke and a lingering scent of brimstone.

They sat in silence for a full minute, Sky’s mind whirling in a hundred different directions. How the hell was he supposed to locate and capture three dandy dogs before they gnawed on the living?

Nolan cleared his throat next to Sky. “Huh, I guess that answers one question.”

“What got out?”

Nolan’s lips twitched as if he were fighting to hold in a smirk. “We finally know who let the—”

Sky lunged at Nolan, slapping his hand across the man’s mouth while his body shook with suppressed laughter. “I swear on all the new and old gods, Nolan Banks, if you say it, I’ll never let you fuck me again!”

Nolan’s lips spread into an even bigger smile under his palm. Both of his eyebrows lifted and his eyes widened. They both knew Sky was bluffing, and it wasn’t even a good bluff.

Grumbling, Sky released Nolan’s mouth, grabbed the blankets, and pulled them up over his head as he flopped on his pillows.

“Dogs out,” Nolan said as if he hadn’t been interrupted.

“No more sex for you!” Sky shouted, his voice muffled by the blankets.

Nolan cackled, and Sky was grateful the blanket hid his own goofy grin.

A heavy arm wrapped around Sky’s middle and pulled him close. His new lover pressed a kiss to his cheek through the fabric. “Come on. Let’s get a shower. You can tell me how we’re going to catch these poor, lost puppies.”


Nolan Banks

Night was closing in on the city when they set out to capture the dandy dogs. It didn’t take a genius to see that Sky wasn’t thrilled with the idea of Nolan tagging along, but Nolan had promised to stay out of the way and just watch. He was too interested in Sky’s world to stay home and wait for news of what was happening. He wanted to see it with his own eyes, be part of Sky’s world.

It was also important for him to be right there with Sky, showing that he supported who Sky was. He didn’t want to make the same mistake some of Sky’s past love interests had made. He was not going to allow himself to be scared of this.

Besides, a demon king had already walked in on their post-sex cuddles. How much worse could it get?

Probably better not to ask that question.