There were other things Sky wanted to say, but Nolan pushed into him and all either of them could do was moan. The mix of pleasure and pain was exquisite. Sky couldn’t remember the last time anything had felt so good.

Nolan eased in and withdrew, cursing. “You’re so tight, baby. No one been fucking you properly?”

Brain cells shorted out as that second sentence was accompanied by another shallow thrust that stretched him a bit more. All he could do was shake his head. There was no room in his mind for other people or the last time he’d had sex. He knew this wasn’t his first time, but Nolan had worked him into such a needy frenzy that he couldn’t remember anyone else.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you,” Nolan promised. He withdrew and pushed in a third time. “Is that what you want? Just me fucking you? Only me deep in this ass?”

By the third question, Nolan had pulled all the way out and thrust in all the way to the hilt in a single, smooth motion that forced all the air out of Sky’s lungs. He managed a whimper and a nod.

Nolan crawled over him, his cock still deep inside, and pressed a delicate kiss to Sky’s sweat-slicked shoulder. “Say it. Say I’m the only one who can fuck you.”

“Only you,” Sky panted. “I want only you.”

“Good, baby,” Nolan purred. He gently gripped the back of Sky’s head and turned it so he could seize his lips in a brutal, drugging kiss.

Fuck the underworld and the demons. Sky was pretty sure he’d just sold his soul to Nolan for really great sex, and he was fine with that.

And then Nolan started to move. The man pounded into him, trying to dislodge the very soul he’d stolen away. He reduced Sky to a moaning, sweaty mess as he filled him.

The slap of damp flesh and the slam of the headboard against the wall barely drowned out the noises Sky was making. He begged Nolan for more, for him to thrust harder and deeper. He could feel no shame. Ecstasy was all that was left.

Sky didn’t know how long this went on, but when he couldn’t stand it, he sneaked a hand down to stroke his leaking cock. It took no more than a couple of quick tugs and he was shouting his release. Nolan cried out as muscles tightened around his dick. Fingers dug almost painfully into Sky’s hips and Nolan sped up, fucking him through his orgasm. Another groan erupted from Nolan as he followed Sky off the cliff, his thrusts becoming jerky.

Sky collapsed onto the mattress in a boneless heap, not caring that he was now lying in a pool of his own cum. Nolan dropped on top of him a second later, crushing the air out of his lungs.

“Sorry,” Nolan mumbled into his shoulder.

Sky could only grunt. He was beyond words. His brain was mush. His body was dead. His soul was floating somewhere near the ceiling. He was fine being crushed under Nolan. Breathing was overrated.

Unfortunately, Nolan was a considerate lover. He carefully withdrew from Sky’s body and slipped out of the bed long enough to deal with the condom. When he returned, he snuggled in close, drawing the covers up over both of them.

“Are you okay? I wasn’t too rough?” Nolan asked, pressing the sweetest kisses to Sky’s sweaty temple and cheek. His voice was so tender and hesitant, Sky could feel his heart swelling. The man was a demon in bed and a marshmallow the rest of the time. How could he not fall head over heels for him?

Sky smiled as he rolled over onto his side to face Nolan. He tipped his head up for a kiss. “It was amazing. You were perfect. I—”

The bedroom door burst open, and Sky gasped, jerking the blankets up to his chin. Nolan sat up beside him, looking as though he were about to launch his very naked self at the intruder.

Only the intruder was a very tall demon.

Fuck my life.

“Zalramon! Knock! You need to learn to knock!” Sky shouted at the demon king.

The demon in question smirked at him, tilting his head to the side so that his horns tapped on the wooden doorjamb. “Am I interrupting?”

“Obviously! It’s bad enough that you and your friends cleaned out my fridge last night, but you’re kind of interrupting important private time.”

“Naked private time, it seems.” Zalramon licked his lips, his dark eyes skimming over Sky before moving andstickingto Nolan.

Oh, no. No! No! No!

There was no way in this world or the underworld that he was sharing his hot neighbor with a demon. Even if he was a demon king. Wasn’t happening.

“Did you come here for a reason, or were you in the mood to interrupt my life some more?” Sky snapped. The sooner he got Zal to the point of his visit, the sooner he could get rid of the demon.

“Ah…yes. Right,” Zalramon drawled. The demon looked sheepish as he scratched his jaw with one long, black fingernail. “So, I have mended the leak created in your doorway. I will have the ability to come and go without being summoned, and it won’t create another tear.”

“How lovely for you,” Sky grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at the demon.