“Oh, shit. We should have warned them,” River said as he dropped to the ground next to Bel’s chair and put his giant plate of food in his lap. He grinned up at Nolan. “Bel loves to collect blood and other samples to study. He used to chase Ethan with a needle, crying that it was all for science.”

“Unfortunately, Ethan wasn’t a fan of needles,” Wyatt added. He dragged over a chair and placed it next to his two mates before getting comfortable.

“I can’t say that I am either,” Nolan muttered.

“I’m not entirely sure how Nolan would be affected by my magic,” Sky interjected.

“Well, I’ve heard that witches have a sort of magical aura about them, so my hypothesis is that constant exposure to that aura could result in the magic permeating Nolan through his skin,” Bel began. “Another obvious option is through fluid exchange.”

Sky blinked at him once. “You mean my saliva when we kiss.” River started snickering from where he sat on the ground.

“There’s that, as well as semen,” Bel replied in the most clinical voice. They could have been debating the value of installing new windows in a house rather than sex. Didn’t matter. River was now cackling like a loon, nearly choking on his food.

Nolan was trying not to snicker, but he was holding on by a thread. Naturally, Sky had to toss more fuel onto this fire.

“Not to be too crude,” Sky drawled, pausing to flash Nolan a smirk, “but I am such a needy bottom bitch. There’s not going to be much chance of Nolan getting exposed to my semen.”

“Huh,” Bel murmured.

River howled. The second he could catch his breath, he was patting down his pockets. “Where’s my phone? I need my phone. I have to text Ethan and Fox. They’re going to die when they hear this. It’ll kill them that they’re missing this.”

Sky looked too smug with his smile and laughing eyes. Nolan had to top this. Besides it was already too late to save this conversation.

“Well, I do like to swallow. I could always ingest yourmagicthat way,” Nolan stated in a low voice.

River was forced to stop typing to laugh. Wyatt was chuckling. Bel’s face appeared to have turned red.

But Sky…his lovely Sky…had melted into a puddle in his chair.

“Yep, I knew it. Ever since the day you moved in across the street from me, I knew you were utterly perfect,” Sky moaned.

“Good grief. Do I even want to know what’s going on here?” They all glanced up to see that Red and Damon had joined them. Moon’s bigger clothes nearly swallowed up the smaller man as he stood beside the witch. He didn’t appear at all uncomfortable to be standing with witches, shifters, and a very odd vampire, but his eyes drooped with what seemed to be exhaustion.

Part of Nolan wanted to ask Damon how long it had taken him to get accustomed to the magical world. He’d dated at least two witches now, and Sky had said that he was entirely human like Nolan, so at one time he’d come to all of this new. But Damon probably wasn’t up for Nolan picking his brain.

Not that they had time for it.

Before Sky could even try to explain, several cars roared down the driveway. They stopped in a spray of gravel and dust. The crowd at the bonfire climbed to their feet and the air instantly rippled with tension. More uninvited guests and these didn’t feel good.

Doors opened and slammed shut. A small group of people stalked across the yard. A tall, broad-shouldered man was in the lead. His body vibrated with rage and menace.

“Shit,” Damon swore as he peeked out from behind Red. “It’s Theo. My boyfriend.”

“Fuck,” Nolan mumbled.

They’d just added a pissed-off witch and his coven to the party.


Skylar Wallace

Oh, no…


No. No. No.

This was bad.