Poisoning a date with a strawberry.

And now “rescuing” an ex-boyfriend by turning him into a pig.

The strange thing was that the more and more out of control things spiraled, the more fun he was having. Sure, it was crazy and unexpected, but Sky was with him and at no point did he feel like he was in danger. No, it was all just a little weird.

Sky, on the other hand, appeared as though he was on the verge of a complete meltdown. The witch was holding his hands out toward Red, his cute face twisted up in pain.

“Why?” Sky cried. “Why did you do this? I promised Nolan a normal no-magic evening!”

Red snorted, one corner of his mouth twisting up in a smirk. “Well, that was a fucking stupid promise, wasn’t it?”


“What? It was the only way I could rescue him.” Red paused and looked over his shoulder before turning his attention to Sky and Nolan again. “Let’s get going. I promise I’ll explain everything on the way to your house.”

Sky’s hands surged into his hair, tangling in the perfectly styled masterpiece so that it was now a mess. “My house?Why are we taking a pig to my house? Why can’t we take him to your house?”

Red huffed. He shifted from his left foot to his right foot. Nolan winced. His arm and hip had to be sore from carrying the pig. “Because that’ll be the first place they look for him. Let’s go!”

“Well, you’ll have to change him back to his human form now. He can’t go to my house as a pig. The minions would catch scent of him and tear my place apart looking for him. It’s why I can’t have pets.”

“I can’t change him yet. They’ll find him!”

Nolan sidled closer to Sky and wrapped an arm around his tense shoulders. He gently squeezed his arm and massaged, trying to loosen him up a bit. “Why don’t we just get on the road now? I’m sure it’ll be safer to keep moving. Red will give us the full story, and we can decide the best course of action from there. If we need to, we can go to my house.”

Sky lifted his wide eyes to him, a smile pushing up the corners of his mouth. Yeah, so maybe it was Nolan’s turn to feel like a white knight, and it was pretty damn nice. It wasn’t often he could ride to the rescue for Sky, but he was really enjoying this feeling.

After taking a deep breath, Sky narrowed his eyes on Red. “Fine. You and the pig get in the car, but if he makes a mess, you’re paying to have it professionally cleaned.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll cover it,” Red muttered. When Sky stomped to the driver’s seat, Red’s shoulders slumped and he mouthedThank youto Nolan.

Sky didn’t get more than a few feet before he swung about and lifted his phone toward Red. The camera flashed several times, and Sky chuckled. The evil witch had just snapped pics of Red with his pig under his arm. Nolan swallowed down a laugh. His brilliant man was collecting blackmail for the future.

A couple of minutes later, the pig was stretched out in the back seat next to Red, grunting softly as it dozed, and the witch was slouched, appearing as if he were ready to pass out himself.

“Okay,” Sky snapped, peering at Red through rearview mirror. “Start talking. Please explain to the class why you have disrupted my date and turned your ex-boyfriend into a pig. Speaking of, which ex is this?”

Red lifted a hand to gesture at the snoozing piglet. “This is Damon.”

Sky huffed softly. “The one you actually managed to part on good terms with.”

The other witch rolled his eyes. “Not every one of my relationships ends in disaster, but yes, this was one of the better partings. We didn’t delete each other’s contact information, but we didn’t exactly talk to each other after we went our separate ways.”

“But apparently, he contacted you recently, if he needed rescuing,” Nolan prompted.

“Yes.” Red stopped to flash Nolan another grateful smile. “Damon reached out to me a few days ago for some advice. He’s been dating this other witch, Jasper, for about six months, but they’ve been having problems. The guy’s becoming more controlling, and what had seemed like sweet overprotectiveness is now controlling and stifling. He told the witch he needed space, but Jasper just tightened his grip.”

“Was he becoming physically or magically abusive?” Sky inquired.

Red shook his head. “He said no. I was afraid Jasper would try to control him with magic, but Damon was confident that Jasper wouldn’t cross that line.”

A long, heavy sigh slipped out of Sky. “Except he did.” He rested his left elbow on his door and leaned his head against his fist. “That sucks.”

The witch in the rear seat scrubbed both hands over his face. “Yeah. He called me tonight in a panic. Said that he and Jasper had a huge fight. Damon tried to break it off. While it didn’t come to blows, Jasper put a spell over the house, making it impossible to leave while Jasper stormed off.”

“Naturally, you went over there to get him out and help him hide,” Nolan supplied.

“Breaking the binding spell on the house was no big deal,” Red stated. “The problem was that it wouldn’t be hard to use a tracking spell to locate Damon.”