Yep, he sounded like a complete moron, but that was okay because Sky was smiling up at him as if he’d just handed him the moon.

“Great!” Sky immediately perked up, his entire frame straightening and he even bounced higher on the balls of his feet. “I think I have some coffee and tea. Water. I…I’ll have to check—”

“Yes, that’s perfect,” Nolan agreed as he followed Sky to his front door. He’d accept a cup of sewage from Sky if it meant he could finally get this man alone and behind a closed door.

“If you’re still hungry, I could make us some sandwiches,” Sky offered.

Nolan gave the roses some serious side-eye as he passed them up to the porch. “You know I love your sandwiches, but let me put the condiments on this time.”

The witch flashed him a wide-eyed look over his shoulder. “What? You don’t trust me?”

“I trust you. I just don’t want Frank to claim my sandwich.”

Sky giggled as he unlocked the door.

Nolan followed him inside and closed the door. He managed to wait until Sky had kicked off his shoes and shed his sports jacket before Nolan pinned the adorable witch to the wall. Those lips had been begging for a proper, thorough kiss for hours and Nolan was determined to deliver.

Sky didn’t hesitate one bit. He wrapped his arms around Nolan’s neck and opened his mouth, beckoning Nolan’s tongue inside. The sweetest moan drifted up his throat. Closing his eyes, Nolan let himself get lost in the feel of the body pressed to his. One hand slid along Sky’s back to sweep one ass cheek. He lifted and pulled Sky in tighter, loving how his hardening cock rubbed against his thigh.

The sweet man was all soft, gentle curves. He’d dated a variety of people over the years from thin to hard-muscled body builders to plus-sized men, but Sky was going down on the list as his favorite. The softness fit all the parts of Sky’s personality so well. That little give drove him crazy, making him want to sink into Sky’s body with every needy kiss.

Nolan broke off the kiss by capturing Sky’s bottom lip between his teeth and tugging prior to releasing it. Sky stared up at him with hooded hazel eyes and a lopsided smile. His face was beautifully flushed. He had to have more.

“I had no idea I was going to find dessert here,” Nolan teased.

“I’m the best kind of dessert—I burn calories!” Sky’s smile dissolved as he turned his attention to Nolan’s sweater. “But I’m worried that you’re going to get too hot. Maybe you should lose this sweater.”

“Good idea.” Nolan stepped back and pulled his sweater over his head. He dropped it somewhere on the floor behind him, not caring where it landed. As he closed the space between them, Nolan’s fingers automatically began working on the three buttons of Sky’s vest. “Maybe you should lose this. I’d hate for anything to happen to it.”

Sky nodded several times, not saying a word. That was okay. His fingers were already occupied with the buttons on Nolan’s shirt. Each time a new piece of skin came into view, Sky leaned in and kissed his chest.

“Oooh! Hair!” Sky exclaimed after a couple of buttons. The kisses might have started outnumbering the buttons at this point, but Nolan wasn’t arguing. Sky’s distraction meant that Nolan had moved on from the vest to Sky’s shirt without needing a ridiculous excuse.

“You like a hairy chest?”

“Mm. Definitely.” Sky’s hot breath skimmed over the damp places where Sky had kissed. His head popped up and his eyes narrowed. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not into full Sasquatch. Most people could use a little manscaping. But yes, I like hair on a man.”

Nolan had to stop. He was too busy laughing to get his fingers to work. “I…I don’t think I’ve been mistaken for a Sasquatch yet, but I’ll make sure I keep up with my manscaping for you.”

“Please and thank you.” Sky’s words were slightly muffled against his chest as he kissed and nipped his way lower.

When the hell had he lost control of this situation?

He’d started this as the seducer, but it felt like Sky had stolen the reins right from his fingertips. Nolan quickly finished pulling Sky’s shirt from where it had been tucked into his pants and unbuttoned the last of it. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, Nolan forced Sky’s head up and was preparing to devour that luscious mouth when a thought stopped him bare inches away.

“Grammy,” he murmured.

“Grammy? As in my Grammy?” Sky blinked at him as if he were trying to reboot his brain.

“Yeah, um…should we continue this at my place? Ghost or not, what I plan to do to you really shouldn’t be seen by your grammy.”

Sky shivered and his eyes rolled up into his head. “Okay, you had me at ‘what I plan to do to you’ and thenewat the last half.”


Sky slipped his hands inside of Nolan’s open shirt and ran them up his bare back, pulling him in close. “Grammy and I had a long, uncomfortable talk about private time and boundaries recently. She promised to not be about if we were having a moment.”

“A moment?” Nolan huffed. “Oh baby, this is going to be much more than a moment.”