Sky looked up at Nolan. “Maybe you should step inside or at least back with the shifters. They will help to protect you if things start to get really messy.”

“No, I’m staying right here with you. This doesn’t have to get messy,” Nolan said firmly.

Sky wanted to keep arguing with Nolan, but he was officially out of time.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, stealing Damon out of my house?” Theo roared as soon as he and his posse of witches were only a couple of yards away. Theo was pretty impressive looking in his black leather pants and jacket over a red band T-shirt. He had a nice assortment of silver chains over his body and piercings all up his ears. His green hair was spiked in a messy mohawk. A few spell protection symbols were tattooed on his neck, so a mix of punk and witch. Or maybe he was in a band and the star attraction. There couldn’t have been a bigger difference between Red and Theo.

“I’m the one who made you my bitch, with those cheap-ass protection spells,” Red shot back. “Who were you trying to protect him from? Mary fucking Poppins?”

And there was the similarity…

They both had mouths completely unattached to their brains. Well, at least Damon had a type.

“Fuck you!” Theo shouted.

“No! Fuck you!” Red bellowed over him as he took a mindless step forward. Sky instantly grabbed a handful of his jacket and pulled him away. Closing the distance was not a good idea. “You’re supposed to be Damon’s boyfriend, and you’re threatening him! What kind of brainless douche tool does that? Damon called me—hisrealfriend—to help him escapeyou.”

Theo rocked back as if Red had physically hit him. His dark-brown eyes widened and his mouth fell open, but no words came out. At a glance, his witch friends appeared to be all women, and they crowded close, whispering reassuring words while denying what Red was spouting.

The green-haired witch shrugged them off and straightened. “Damon? Is that what you told him? That I threatened you?”

Peering out from behind Red’s shoulder, Damon glared at Theo. “You did! It’s been going on for weeks. You’re constantly snapping at me and saying you’re going to lock me up and smash my phone so I can’t talk to the outside world. You badger me about where I’ve been and who I talk to. Last week, I ran to get you food and when it took ten minutes longer because of traffic, you lost your fucking mind!”

“You could have called me to tell me you were delayed!”

“I. Was. In. Traffic!” Damon threw his hands up and paced a few steps away from Red. When he turned back, he was shaking his head. “I can’t live like this. Constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to talk to people. Afraid to do anything because you might blow up.” Tears slipped down his face as he stared at Theo. “We’ve been together for six months, and you’ve never been like this. I don’t know what I did to make you stop trusting me.”

“I trust you!” Theo argued, but he didn’t add to it as he balled his hands into fists at his sides.

Damon huffed. “I called Red because he’s the only witch I know who could get rid of all your protection and tracking spells. I needed space. I needed to breathe for five seconds without being afraid of you.”

The big witch’s shoulders slumped, and his entire body sank a couple of inches as if Damon had stolen away all of his energy and rage. He was a pale shadow of his former scary self. “I trust you,” Theo repeated softly. “I never wanted you to be afraid of me. I’ve never hurt you before…”

“Sure, you didn’t hit me or anything like that, but words hurt too, Theo. Shouting hurts.”

Someone tugged on Sky’s jacket and he turned slightly to see Nolan’s eyes wide and excited. “Is Theo an earth witch too? Like Red and Maddox?”

Sky nodded, though he wasn’t where he was going with this. “Yep. What—”

“It’s Moving Day,” Nolan quickly said, but not in a whisper. He stated it loud enough for everyone to hear.

Then the beautiful, insane man stepped around Sky andbetweenthe two factions.Oh, my God. Nolan was going to give him a heart attack.

Sky grabbed his hand with both of his and tried to drag him out of the line of fire, but Nolan just smiled at him as if to say “Everything is going to be all right.”

It’s not going to be all right, crazy man, if you get yourself blown up!

“What?” Theo croaked. He blinked at Nolan, as if stunned to find him there.

“Moving Day.” Nolan pointed at Damon. “He just said that you haven’t acted like this before. It’s only recent. So, I figure it’s got to be one of only a few things. I had an ex who cheated on me and in his guilt, he got strangely clingy and possessive. Started accusing me of wanting to leave him and other bullshit to cover up his guilt. Are you cheating on Damon?”

That put fire into Theo. The witch straightened and marched toward Nolan. Theo was at least three inches taller than Nolan and all bristling anger. Sky’s heart squeezed and in the back of his mind he was sorting through minions to summon who could easily crush this asshole for even looking evil at his baby.

“Fuck, no!” Theo roared.

Nolan didn’t flinch. “And did Damon do anything to make you think he’s cheating on you?”

“I have not!” Damon shrieked. “If you say I did, I’ll cut your balls off right now.”