Page 78 of Come With Me

I shrug so I don’t give away how my heart pounds with how attractive and out of my league he is. “He looks too old.”

More like twice my age.

At twenty-two, the oldest man I’ve dated was Jase Underwood, and he’s only two years older than me.

“So what? You don’t have to have Daddy issues to sample a finer cuisine.”

I roll my eyes at her choice of words. Sneaking another glance, I notice his gaze remains fixated on me. He’s rugged like a cowboy, which isn’t much of a surprise at a place like this.

“He’s probably glarin’ at me for blockin’ his view.”

“No, babe. Youarehis view. That’s a look of lust, trust me.” She flips her long dark hair and steals another look.

“You would know that look, wouldn’t ya?” I snort.

“The look of thinkin’ dirty things. I bet he’s undressed you in his mind three times and envisioned your boots wrapped around his neck.”

I roll my eyes. “Doubtful. Wouldn’t be surprised if he came down here and scolded me.”

“Maybe he’ll punish you with spankings...” She waggles her brow, and we get lost in a fit of giggles.

Clinging to the railing, I keep my attention ahead so I don’t miss Ellie’s entrance now that they’ve restarted.

Finally, Ellie and Ranger race into the arena. She’s decked out in sparkly pink, including her cowboy hat, which I helped pick. She’s not dubbed the Rodeo Princess for nothing.

“Yeah! Go, Ellie!” I cup my mouth and scream as she clears the first barrel.

Leaning as far over the railing as possible, I shout louder.

“Want me to lift ya up so you can be in there with her?” Magnolia mocks.

“Too bad I didn’t make a sign.”

She laughs but eventually gets into the spirit and cheers with me.

Ellie’s posture is perfect as she rounds the second barrel and rushes for the third.

“C’mon, Ranger! Go, go, go!” I jump up and down at how flawlessly she’s performing.

When Ellie rounds the final barrel, I nearly lose my mind. They race toward the finish line, and everyone goes wild.

“Fifteen point seven six eight,” the emcee announces, then repeats it over the crowd.

“Holy shit!” I cover my mouth after I realize how loud I am.

“That should put her in first place, no problem,” Magnolia points out.

“Her fastest barely cleared fifteen point nine. I can’t believe how much time she shaved off.”

“Probably all that cheerin’ ya did. Encouraged them even more.” She nudges me with a cheeky grin.

“Ha ha. But I bet you’re right. Maybe I should add that into my trainin’. Sideline of me screamin’ at you.” I cackle.

“Speakin’ ofscreamin’. Go celebrate by talkin’ to the sexy cowboy. Maybe he’ll have you screamin’ later for a different reason.” Magnolia pushes me toward the stairs, and if I weren’t living on this adrenaline high, I’d run in the other direction.

I don’t mind taking risks. In fact, I thrive off the excitement of trying new things. But when it comes to dating and guys in general, I say things that get me in trouble.

“Good thing I’m wearin’ my lucky cowboy boots.” And my favorite white floral sundress that makes my boobs look awesome. It’s the beginning of summer, and the temp is already in the low eighties, so I wasn’t about to sweat my ass off being outside most of the day.