Page 75 of Come With Me

“Noah!” I shout, running toward them. Mimi yells for me to slow down, but I can’t.

Fisher’s eyes widen when he spots us, and Noah yelps in pain when he lays her down on it.

“What happened? Are you okay?” I ask as more nurses come out.

Noah winces with each breath she takes. I want to hold her hand and beg her to be okay. A man in dark scrubs starts listening to her heartbeat and asking her questions about pain.

“She fell off Donut,” Fisher tells me. “She was doin’ stunts, and I-I don’t know. He got spooked right as she was doin’ a flip, and he kicked and...” He’s white as a ghost as he tries to recollect what happened. “I was supposed to be spottin’ her, but it happened so fast. Next thing I knew, she was on the ground, not moving.”

“Is she gonna be okay?”

He swallows hard. “God, I hope so. She has to be.”

Fisher follows her when they roll Noah to the back. Mimi and I stay, making phone calls to the Hollises, and soon Daddy comes down too. He gives me a tight hug and reassures me Noah’s going to be okay.

“Fisher looked like he was gonna have a heart attack,” I tell him, worried for both of them.

Mimi leans in as if not to disturb the others around us. “I think Fisher likes her.”

“Of course he does. We all like Noah,” I tell her.

Daddy chuckles. “She meanslikeslikes her. But are you sure, Ma? He’s twice her age.”

Mimi shrugs with a knowing grin. “Let’s just say, I have a gut feelin’.”

I want to ask what that means, but I’m too distracted by worrying about her. No one’s given us an update, and I’m getting antsy. Daddy goes back upstairs to Mommy’s room when Dena and Garrett show up. They give me hugs and tell me to go home and rest. They promise to give me an update as soon as they have one.

As Mimi drives, I bring up the conversation from before.

“What’s it mean when a manlikeslikes a woman?”

“ means you like them more than a friend.”

“Like boyfriend girlfriend?” I furrow my brow.

“Yeah, like that.”

“Fisher’s too quiet. He’s always staring at her but never says much. He almost looks at her like he’s mad at her, so I don’t think they’re boyfriend girlfriend.”

Mimi smirks, reaches over, and then pats my leg. “In that case, I think he’s inlovewith her. Brooding men always look like that.”

“What?” That makesnosense.

“You’ll understand someday, sweetheart. When you’re older and find a man you’re not supposed to want or vice versa. Sometimes it’s easier to hate them than it is to admit you love them.”

I’m still confused by the time we get to Mimi’s house. She lives in town, so it doesn’t take long to get there. Since I’m ten now, I have my own phone and can text, so I send Noah a message, hoping she’ll have her cell with her.


Please be okay, Noah. I haven’t heard anything yet, and I’m getting scared.

I pace around the house until Mimi tells me it’s time to get ready for bed. When I ask if she’s gotten an update yet, she frowns. Mom sends me pictures of Howie, which cheers me up, but I hate that no one knows about Noah.

When I wake up the next day, the sun’s already up, and I rush to check my phone. I squeal when I see Noah’s name on the screen.


Hey kiddo. I’m home now. Call me when you wake up.