Page 44 of Come With Me

“As soon as news broke out you were pregnant with my child,his grandchild, he wasn’t about to let the community see you struggle. That’d reflect badly on his reputation. His reelection campaign. It was to savehisass, not yours. He doesn’t give a shit about either one of you.”

It’s why Serena didn’t know who he was. If he truly cared, he would’ve asked to meet her years ago.

“I’m sorry, Ayden. I was about to tell you. Truthfully, I did need that money. I hated that I did, but I figured as long as he wasn’t harassin’ me with custody papers or asking to see her, it wasn’t hurtin’ anything.”

I take the glass and walk it to Serena’s room, then softly knock on her door. “It’s me.”

She opens it with a frown. “Can I come out now?”

“Here’s your juice.” I hand it to her.

“Daddy and I need to talk, sweetie. Put a movie on, and we’ll get you shortly for supper.”

“Fine,” she mutters, then takes a sip of her drink and closes the door.

“If you’re insistent on payin’ him back, then at least let me help. I make enough money. Plus, I’m gettin’ a portion of Howie’s inheritance. I didn’t need your dad’s money once the store took off, but he kept insistin’. Tellin’ me to send her to the best schools, hire top-notch tutors, and make sure she had nice clothes for church. I started savin’ some of it in an account for her.”

“You’re not usin’ a cent of your money to pay him back,” I tell her with finality.

“Ayden, please...” She follows me to her bedroom.

“Laney, I said no.” I turn around, and she bumps into me.

“Stop bein’ stubborn.” She puts her hands on her hips, brow furrowed.

“My father knew where I was, Laney. He knew and didn’t bother to tell me I had a daughter. He continued to throw money at you and keep his reputation shiny and clear. So no, you won’t give him a damn thing. I have savings from years of workin’, never buyin’ anything new, and keepin’ it for a rainy day. I’ll pay him back for what he provided, so I never owe him a damn thing again. You need anything for Serena, you ask me. She needs money for school, I’ll pay the tuition. Let me be her father and support her now, okay?”

She steps back with a confused brow. “How do you know he knew where you were?”

“Because he said up in Tennessee and mocked me for workin’ on a horse ranch.”

“Someone could’ve told him? Serena’s been tellin’ everyone who’ll listen that her daddy’s a rancher,” she reminds me.

“Trust me, I could see it in his face and hear it in his voice. I don’t know how he found me or why he didn’t do anything once he did, but everything he does is calculated and precise. He knew as long as I stayed away, he could keep his reputation clean. Lettin’ me stay gone was his way to prevent me from runnin’ my mouth about what he did to Gabby. He knew I wouldn’t stay quiet forever.”

Although he could only run for two terms as mayor, he still had his prestigious law firm. A scandal as big as knocking up a high school girl and then forcing her to get an abortion would not only ruin his reputation and family, it could put him behind bars.

“I’m sorry, Ayden. I wish I hadn’t taken a dime from him. But I was scared and worried he’d do something bad if I didn’t accept it.”

“It’s not your fault, Lane. I’m not mad at you.” I hold her close, rubbing my hands up and down her arms. “I’m gonna pay him back and kick him out of our lives for good.”

The worst part of this revelation? He could’ve told me I had a child years ago and didn’t. Just like he’s done my entire life, he chose himself.

While I thought I was hiding from him in fear, he knew where I was all along.

And I hate that I spent years away in fear of him.

The bastard was going to pay.



“Why did that man come here?” Serena asks when I go into her room. She’s watching a movie and sitting on her bed.

I take a seat next to her. “Because he wanted to see Daddy.”

“Is he bad?”