Page 36 of Come With Me

“I know you do, baby, but it’s personal and for Uncle Howie only,” Laney explains.

Serena furrows her brow at being left out. “I’ll write him my own letter, then.”

“That’s a good idea.” Laney smirks.

“I’ll give you the CliffsNotes,” I tell Serena.

“The what?” Her upper lip curls in confusion, and Laney and I both laugh at her not understanding the reference.

“I told him how awesome it was to finally meet my daughter and how cool you are,” I say, standing and giving her a side hug.

“Well, obviously,” she singsongs.

“And I told him how you and your mama are as pretty as a peach,” I continue.

“You did?”

Smiling, I nod and steal a glance at Laney’s expression. Her cheeks are tinted pink.

“Ever since I was thirteen, I thought your mama was the most stunnin’ woman I’d ever seen.” She stole my heart, and I never wanted it back. “And we have a beautiful little girl.”

“I saw photos of Mama when she was younger wearin’ braces and glasses.” Serena snickers.

“Hey, don’t make fun.” Laney scowls.

“And she was the prettiest four-eyes there ever was,” I taunt.

Laney playfully smacks my arm.

I hope Howie’s looking down at us, smiling and laughing.

After another few minutes, Laney takes Serena’s hand and says she’ll give me some privacy. Kneeling, I blow out a breath and try to find words to express my gratitude. “I owe ya one, Howie. I should’ve been a better friend and contacted you when I settled. I’m sorry I didn’t. I was a scared kid.” I go on and on about ranch life and thank him repeatedly for taking care of Serena and Laney when I wasn’t here to do it.

“I wish I knew about Reagan sooner. Maybe I’ll meet him before I go.”

After a few more minutes, I decide it’s time to return to the car. Laney and Serena are jamming out to country music, and hearing them sing makes me smile.

“You okay?” Laney asks once I settle in my seat.

The grin on my face is sincere. “Never been better.”



Watching Ayden sit at Howie’s grave shattered my heart.

He doesn’t know the full truth, and the longer I wait, the more hurt he’ll be. I can see the guilt in his eyes, and I know it’ll only cause more.

Though I did try again last night.

We devoured my infamous homemade pizza, watched a movie, and snuggled on the couch. Serena passed out between us halfway through. After Ayden carried and tucked her into bed, I asked if he still wanted to talk.

He hesitated, like he wasn’t sure if it was the right time. He was tired—emotionally and physically—and we decided it was better to talk when we were both clearheaded.

I know he’s confused about why I didn’t tell him about Reagan, but things were so messy with his family that I didn’t want to bring him more bad news. Howie’s dad was a father figure to Ayden, and knowing what happened once Howie came out will destroy Ayden. He’d wish even more that he’d been here for him.

But I can’t protect him forever.