Page 22 of Come With Me

I ramble off the digits, and moments later, my cell vibrates with his message.

“Now you have mine.”

“Perfect. I’ll see you in the mornin’ then,” I say.

“Sweet dreams, Laney.”


I hang up the phone and blow out a breath to slow my racing heart.

Years later, he still flusters me.

In the bathroom, I look at my flushed face and shake my head. I’m being a silly teenage girl all over again.

I brush my teeth, wash my face, and grab my phone to set my alarm.

It’s then I read his message.


You’re still so goddamn beautiful.

My fingers itch to type out a response, but I know we’ll stay up texting, and it’ll lead to something we can’t have. My heart is already on edge with suppressed feelings I’ve spent years pushing away, but after one day with Ayden, they’re fighting their way back in.

After a restless night, I finally slide out of bed at eight and get ready to meet Ayden. Then I pack up my bags and check out. My flight is at two, which means I need to leave at eleven thirty to get to the airport on time. As much as I wish I could spend another day with him and spill the secrets I need to share, I miss Serena like crazy. I know she’ll ask for all the details, and we’ll spend the next few weeks anticipating Ayden’s arrival back in Texas.

She’s going to fall in love with him.

Inevitably, he will with her as well.

It’s not only my heart on the line. Now it’s our daughter’s, too.



The moment I walk into The Lodge, I spot Laney sitting at a table being harassed by Wilder.


That little shit is going to eat my fist for breakfast if he gets another inch closer.

“Mornin’,” I greet before I reach her, then lean down and brush my lips against her cheek. “He botherin’ you?” I whisper in her ear.

“I was just sayin’ hello,” Wilder argues.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrow my eyes at him. “And now ya did, so get on outta here.”

Laney grabs my arm. “He was just tellin’ me about the ranch and all the work he does ’round here.”

“Wilder?” I snort, glaring at him as he shoots me a mischievous grin. “He’s about as helpful as a pogo stick in quicksand.”

“Now you know that ain’t true. You’re just torn up that I got to her before you did.” He mimics my stance, knowing I won’t cause a scene in front of the guests eating.

“And now you’re leavin’. Goodbye.”

“It was nice meetin’ ya, Miss Laney. Hope to see ya again real soon.” Wilder tips his ball cap and flashes her a flirty smirk before meeting my glare. “Just remember, God don’t like ugly, Ayden.”