Page 58 of Come With Me

“A bunch of us ranch hands went out to a bar in town. Lots of tourists, single ladies were there, and he was tryin’ to pick up these two blondes. They were clearly out of their minds blitzed but all he cared about was gettin’ them to his place. Well, one of their friends who was much more sober asked if I’d take the girls back to their hotel because she was worried they’d try to drive. Since I’m a gentleman and didn’t want Wilder takin’ advantage, I agreed. Except as soon as I got the girls in my truck, they said they couldn’t go back to their hotel because they were on some college dance trip, and if their coach saw them return that drunk, they’d get kicked off.”

“Oh my God, how old were these girls?”

“Twenty-one.” He shakes his head.

“Geez. Okay, go on...” I begin my skincare routine after I prop my phone up on the mirror.

“So I take the girls to my house and get them settled into the spare room. In the meantime, someone tells Wilder I took both girls home to sleep with them.”

“And you didn’t bother to clarify?”

“Nah. I wanted him to think he lost two girls—to me. The little shit is such a womanizer, he needed his ego knocked down a few points.”

Chuckling, I continue washing my face. “So what happened when you saw him next?”

“Well, as luck would have it, the mornin’ after—when the three of us walk out to my truck so I can take them back to their hotel—Wilder comes out of his place and sees us. So I make some crude gestures and shoot him a wink. Then I get the girls in my truck and flip him the bird once I drive off.”

I shake my head as the scene he describes plays in my head like a movie. “Are y’all sixteen?”

“Hey, this is how Wilder plays. You either put him in his place and play along or get stepped on by his giant boots. Plus, it gave me some good cred on top of pissin’ him off. Double win.”

“Great, so now he thinks my boyfriend had a threesome, and he’s gonna try to sleep with me to get even with you.”

“Yep, which is why he’s gonna be even more pissed when he finds out you and I are together and have a kid. As soon as he finds out you’re back, he’ll be on you like Chicken Pox.”

“Damn. Good thing I’m vaccinated.”

His head falls back as laughter erupts from his throat. “This is why I miss ya so damn much. Always sayin’ funny shit to put me in a good mood.”

“Be even funnier if you let me flirt with him back, and then you walk in and kiss me right in front of him.”

“You don’t know how badly I wanted to do that the first time he laid eyes on you. Then the second time when I walked into The Lodge, and he was all flirty, I wanted to carry you over my shoulder and stake my claim.”

“Okay, caveman.” I roll my eyes and snort. “I would’ve been so embarrassed and never shown my face again.”

“That’s a shame because you’re too gorgeous to be hidin’.”

“Hush up,” I deadpan, and he bursts out laughing at my mud face mask.

“I mean it. Serena clearly takes after you. I hope our next baby does too.”

“Or we could have a boy, and he could be just like you.”

“Charmin’ and good lookin’, right?”

I chuckle, brushing out my hair before putting it into a braid. “Yeah, but also a sweet and carin’ gentleman.”

“He’d be the cutest little boy in a cowboy hat and boots. Then he’d grow up stealin’ hearts left and right.”

The corner of my lips tilts up as I picture the two of us having another baby to raise together. “You better hurry and knock me up.”

His mouth drops open. “Excuse me. As you may recall, I tried a few times when I was there. My boys went where they were supposed to. The rest is up to your lady parts.”

“My lady parts? Yeah, this is why I have to give Serena ‘the talk.’ Perhaps you should be there and get a lesson yourself.”

His amused chuckle echoes through the room. “Oh, I know plenty about your body. I could draw a map usin’ my tongue and with my eyes closed.”

“You’ll have to prove that.”