Page 52 of Come With Me

The ache between my legs returns, and I squeeze them for relief. He notices and increases his pace. His dick pushes into my lower stomach, and goddammit, I want him inside me again.

“Yes or no, darlin’? We’re on crunch time here.”

“Do you really wanna have a baby with me?” I ask seriously. “Not just the act of makin’ one but the late-night feedings, diaper changes, and lack of sleep? The pregnancy cravings, hormonal changes, and stress of havin’ two kids? This isn’t gonna be easy.”

He cups my cheeks, staring intently into my eyes and looking sincere. “I wanteverythin’with you. The highs and lows. The ups and downs. The good and bad. I wanna be here for all of it. Whatever that is, just the three of us, or if we add more to our family, I’m ready for it. I’m here. I wanna give you everythin’ you’ve ever wanted.”

“I wanna give you that, also,” I murmur.

He missed so much with Serena and is actively trying to make up for that, so I understand him wanting another one.

“Honestly, I want another one, too. I just don’t wanna do it alone.”

“If I had my way, you wouldn’t have to lift a finger. I’m gonna take care of you no matter what.”

My heart flutters at the thought of watching him with our baby. For years, I thought this was as good as my life would get. Then he flipped it around and showed me how much better it could be with him in it.

Smiling wide with certainty, I say, “Then let’s do it. Maybe you already have, but if it happens, then it happens.”

With a cocky smirk, he turns off the shower, then lifts me and carries me out the door.

“What’re you doin’? Oh my God, don’t fall.” I hold on tighter as he grabs the towel.

Water drips off us as he walks to my bed.

He sets me down on the mattress and towers over me with a hand on each side of my body. “I’m not doin’ thisif it happens, it happensshit. If I have a mission, I’m fuckin’ completin’ it. No guesswork.”

“Then you better make it fast,Casanova. We gotta leave soon.”

“Don’t you worry.” He flashes a wink as he spreads my thighs and sinks inside me. “I’ve never failed to finish a mission.”

By the time we get dressed, we have to rush out the door to make it to the class on time. Luckily, my mom set up a table for the four of us so all we have to do is sit and start painting. Ayden sneaks side glances each time he looks over his canvas. I try to stay focused on what I’m doing, but it’s useless. My mind races with what happened between us and the potential of me getting pregnant. His promises are what I’ve always wished for, yet I’m second-guessing if Ayden moving here will truly make him happy. Leaving behind his home, job, and everything he’s worked for over the past decade is a big change. I love that he wants us to be a family, but I also don’t want him to give up his whole life.

The more I contemplate it, the more I wonder ifSerenaandIneed a fresh start. This town has years’ worth of memories with Howie, which I love, but it’s also a reminder of Ayden’s father and the puppet strings he pulled. Being here would put us in proximity to Mr. Carson and his conniving and manipulating ways. Ayden wanted to be far away from his family, and moving back only gives his dad access to him again.

Though I’d miss my mom and hate leaving the store behind, she’ll be in good hands. I’ll train the new manager and am only a phone call away to assist with anything they need.

I’ve made my decision before we leave the museum, but I want to talk to Serena first. This has to be something she wants too.

If she’s on board, then we’re moving to Tennessee.



The next two days in Beaumont fly by with family-friendly activities and somemom-and-dad-onlyactivities, and then I’m packing my bags to go home. I don’t want to say goodbye to my girls, but I know it’s temporary. They will fly up in a couple of weeks to see the ranch and help me pack. I’ll give Garrett my two-week notice as soon as I'm back. Even though I hate disappointing him, he’s a good man who understands family comes first.

Yesterday, I met Reagan, and we talked for hours over beers while we had a cookout. He’s deep in grief, but meeting someone so close to Howie was nice. I shared many stories of Howie and me growing up, and Reagan shared details of their lives together. They were in the process of adoption when Howie passed, which made me feel even more horrible. At least he got to be in Serena’s life and be with someone who made him happy.

“Can’t I come with you now?” Serena pouts as she sits on Laney’s bed, watching me pack my carry-on.

“You gotta wait for your mama, sweetheart. I work durin’ the day, and you’d be home all alone.”

“Nuh-uh. I’d help you work!”

“Ya know, that is a brilliant idea!”

“It is?” she squeals, her whole face lighting up like a Fourth of July firework.