Page 39 of Come With Me

I snort. “Thanks, I tried to incorporate other little things but wanted to brand the shop and give it a special niche to make people wanna come back.”

“Don’t let her modesty fool ya for one second,” Mama says from behind, and we both turn. “She’s been busy as a cat on a hot tin roof.”

Ayden chuckles. “I believe it. Laney was always a hard worker.”

“That she is. So what’d ya think, Ayden? Like it?”

“I love it, Miss Bennett. You two should be proud.”

“Thanks. We are.” She smiles sincerely before a customer drags her away.

“Serena, it’s time to go,” I call out when the doors open. One of the part-time workers starts helping as customers flock inside.

“But, Mom...”

“Serena Mae...” I warn.

“Yes, ma’am.”

She heads toward the exit, and I quickly wave goodbye to my mom.

As soon as I step out onto the sidewalk, Mr. Hendersen spots me and nods at me. “Ms. Adams. Hot as Hades out here, ain’t it?”

My heart drops into my stomach as I force out a quick response and continue walking with Ayden by my side. Serena’s ahead, deciding where she wants to go next.

“Why’d he call you Ms.Adams?”

That’s Howie’s last name.

Swallowing hard, I walk to the edge of the sidewalk so we don’t block anyone.

“He forgets that’s not my last name anymore.”

He takes off his ball cap and scrubs a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna need more than that.”

“I was gonna tell ya.”

“Tell me what?” He quirks a brow.

“Howie and I were married.”

He steps back. “You married mygaybest friend?”

“Ayden, listen...” I move toward him. “It’s not what you think. We had an arrangement.”

He folds his arms over his chest, keeping his gaze on me. “What kinda arrangement?”

“His family would stop meddlin’ in his love life and”—I brace myself for the words I have to force out of my mouth—“your dad threatened to take Serena if I couldn’t prove I could support her on my own. Gettin’ married killed two birds with one stone.”

He comes closer, his shoulders high and tense. “My fatherthreatenedyou? What’d he do?”

“Mom! Dad! Are y’all comin’?” Serena shouts, but we continue staring at each other.

“Let’s talk about this at home, okay?” I tilt my head toward Serena, who’s waiting on us.

“Fine. But wewillbe talkin’ about it.”
