Page 32 of Come With Me

“What?” she screeches, giggling. “You can’t pet them!”

“I can’t? Why not?”

She giggles again, shaking her head as if he doesn’t know better.

“They’ll eat you!”

Their banter is the cutest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Howie had a great relationship with Serena. He was the male role model in her life that she needed at the time, and I know he’d be so happy and proud that Ayden’s back in our lives.

I just wish he were alive now to see it.

Five hours and an exhausted child later, we walk into the house. Serena fell asleep on the drive home, and Ayden offered to carry her in so we didn’t have to wake her. He’s slipped so easily into this dad role, it’s going to be even harder when he has to leave.

As I unpack our leftovers, I talk to my mom on the phone, who wanted an update about our family day out. I gave her the condensed version of everything we did and how much fun we had. When I hear Ayden coming down the hallway, I tell her goodbye and hang up.

“Alright, she’s tucked in and snorin’ away.” Ayden walks into the kitchen in a change of comfy clothes.

He looks worn out, too, though I don’t blame him. Serena’s energy can take a while to get used to. She had us walking all over the place, to the gift shop and then back around for a second lap. We each held Serena’s hands as she talked nonstop about hippos, monkeys, and snakes. She loves to read, so bringing her to the boutique with me was always easy. She’d stay in my office and get lost in animal books.

“She had the best day with you today,” I tell him, wiping down the counter.

He leans against the doorframe with a smile on his too-perfect face. “So did I, and now I can’t wait to show her ’round the ranch.”

“She’s gonna love it so much,” I agree.

“Mallory’s a couple years older, and she’ll enjoy showin’ her the ropes.”

“The niece, right?”

“Yep. She lost both of her parents last year, and being around horses has been therapeutic for her. Noah tells me she’s still grieving pretty hard, but she puts on a strong front.”

“Wow. How sad.” I’d be devastated to lose my mom. I can’t even imagine losing both parents at once.

He pushes off the doorframe and stalks toward me. “So what do you do for yourself?”

“What do you mean?” I ask nervously, wondering if he’s going to put that needy mouth back on mine.

He tilts up my chin with a smolder that makes me want to drop my guard and smash my lips to his. When he’d done it yesterday at the airport, I was taken off guard and not prepared. Next time he does, I want to be ready.

“I see how much time and effort you put into being a mom and how busy you are with the store. So...what do you do that’s just for yourself?”

Is this where I tell him I use a bullet vibrator in the tub until I orgasm three times and then pass out for seven hours?

Yeah...I’m not admittingthat.

“Between Serena and the shop, there’s not much time for anything else.” I shrug. “When I tried datin’ after the divorce, it got too hard balancin’ it all. So I just stopped lookin’.”

“I have no doubts you’ve been the most amazin’ mother, but I wish you’d take some time to do something just for you. That way, you don’t burn out tryin’ to do it all.”

“My mom and Howie were very helpful whenever I needed it,” I explain, hoping to use this as an opening to tell him the truth about his best friend.

“Well, I’m here now. Let me do something for you.” He holds out his hand, and I skeptically give him mine.

“What’re you doin’?” I ask as he leads me out of the kitchen.

“You’ll see.”