Secondly, I will fight this every way I can because I have our baby's survival to think about.

And thirdly, I've decided that if I manage to survive this, I will be a little more like Angela. Not the getting into drugs or selling my soul to the mafia, obviously. But I'm going to start letting loose more because there are so many things I wish I had done right now.

I wish I'd seen the northern lights. And traveled more. And I wish I had dragged Nico Attolini back into that adorable old inn and made love to him until we laid in the blankets, wrapped up and cuddling in front of the fireplace like we did years ago.

Actually, there's a lot I wish I'd done with Nico.

If I get out of this, I'm all his. Life is too short not to at least see what letting him have my entire heart would look like. Life with him might sometimes be dangerous, but when isn't it? I can't even picture a future without him now.

Aside from the very present possibility that I'll have no future.

I cringe when Al Bones lets out another skull-rattling laugh at whatever Mad Blood said. Mateo isn't funny. He's disgusting. But I've still tried to listen on and off to see if their conversation would shift into something I could use. Something like…

"—the Attolinis are bound to show up at the old speakeasy on 233rd. If we don't find him where she says he is, we dump the bitch's body in the woods for the animals. But if he is there, we'll take his corpse back, and we'll head over to celebrate..."

I grimace. The two brutes have ignored me the entire time I've been back here. Not that I'm upset about it, because I'd rather not have their attention on me ever again. Mad Blood gives more directions, but I zone out again in favor of steadying my breathing. On the car's roof, I can hear the thud of raindrops as they begin to patter all around.

They're not going to find Nico in the woods.

So, I suppose it's a good thing I have a plan. Taking them to the same place where I got lost days ago. It's not foolproof, and I may be about to feed the woodland animals just like he said, but I guess it's not the worst place to be found dead. I still could have died in a trunk.

Al Bones pulls over at the marker I told them about earlier, and they pull into the tiny little parking spot. Mad Bones squints out and grunts. "Looks like there is a car parked here after all."

I blink out the window. Sure enough, the car that the Gattos followed me here in two days ago is still parked here, by a sheer stroke of luck. The Attolinis should have moved it by now. I was prepared to make up a big story about Nico driving into the state park, but this makes things much easier—and in the dark rainfall, they apparently can't tell it's one of their family's cars.

I shiver as I step out into the cold rain. Car doors slam behind me as I limp forward, glancing over my shoulder. They left the key in the ignition with the car idling. They probably did it to keep it warm because they don't expect to be out here long—which shows how arrogant they are—but seriously, they're almost as bad as Ace.

That thought hurts.Please be okay, Ace.

My ankle is throbbing. God, it's cold, and this rain is miserable. But I still play my part, sniffling and not resisting as they drag me down the trail I told them about. It's easy to work up the tears when Mad Blood snaps that if I don't lead them to the right spot, he'll bash my face in. He shoves the barrel of a gun against my temple to ensure we're on the same page.

"There's no light out here," Al Bones grunts as I shiver and walk forward, wandering off the trail just a little bit in the direction I need to take them. It's dark and now muddy enough that they don't seem to notice.

Mad Blood shoves me hard, and I trip into a tree, gritting my teeth against the bark scratching against my cheek. His voice is a growl. "Where's Attolini? If you're leading us to a dead end, Rivera, I'm going to make sure it'syourdead end. You're going to drown in your own puddle of blood. Don't fuck with me."

"I'm not," I sob, and I'm sure it's convincing. "H—he said he was going to take care of the shooter by Raven's Rock."

"The fuck is that?"

I point in the direction, hoping I sound as weak and shaky as I intend to and not nauseous and terrified like I really am. "It's a landmark this way."

They shove me forward again. One of them has a phone light on, but visibility out here is next to none, between the trees and the nighttime and the rain coming down harder around us. I'm freezing, my bare feet aching and squishing through the cold mud and leaves.

But I know what I'm looking for. I see exactly where I want to go, and I waste no time putting my best acting skills to work. I gasp and pause, pretending to shrink back in on myself. Mad Blood scowls and grabs my arm hard enough to really hurt.

"What is it?" he snaps.

I shake my head. "N—nothing, I'm sure it was just—"

"Bones, break her fucking arm."

Shit. "Wait!" I point at the slightly deformed tree in the distance. "I…thought I saw movement over there. Besides the rain, I mean."

The two hulking mafiosos squint in the darkness and start forward, but they're not going fast enough. I might have to try pushing one of these mammoths. I linger behind them, despite Mad Blood scowling back at me every few seconds.

Just when my heart can't seem to take the building pressure anymore, Al Bones shouts as he missteps, and then he vanishes over the ledge of the ravine.

Mad Blood swears, but before he can turn around, I throw myself against his back. It's just enough momentum to push him forward, and he slips over the ledge with a shout. I scramble to keep my footing, clawing into the mud and tugging on weeds and rocks until I get enough purchase. I fight against the wet and cold, breaking into a run.